UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

I applied for psychology but I’m just scared that since it’s an impacted major I have no chance because nobody it seems got an offer for psychology yet
I plan to switch my major because a don’t want to be a psychology major anymore anyway, so the fact that it might be hurting my chances…

The time to pick/change the major is long past, and the results are out of your hands. Just wait until Cal gets back to you, and meanwhile focus on the school you’ve already SIRed to.


Agree way too late to change majors. If UCB wants you then may consider your alternate major or accept you Undeclared from the waitlist.

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wait is that a thing that they do? accept undeclared

UCB stated for this year that they would consider an alternate major from applicants on the waitlist. Other than the High demand majors, the College of L&S does not admit by major and essentially all admits are Undeclared until they complete the course pre-req’s to declare a major.

can I be excepted and declared if both of my major are impacted

Anything is possible but since it is the first year for the High Demand major policy and UCB asking for an alternate major, it remains to be seen.

We will only guarantee a review of the primary major [emphasis added], while alternative majors will only be used if space is available, for example, as we consider available space during the wait list process.

Both primary and alternate majors are High Demand majors?

yes psych and public health

For most campuses if you select a High Demand/Capped/Impacted major as your primary, they recommend you select a non-impacted major as an alternate. Unfortunately, what is done is done so you just need to wait it out and move forward with your current school.

Have any students reported being admitted off the waitlist to their alternate major? (I haven’t been following the thread closely.)

I have seen only one admit that stated they were anccepted into their alternate major but again not all admits post on CC or other social media sites.

do you think my chances are pretty slim

Since the waitlist admits vary widely from year to year and has decreased significantly in the last 2 years, I am not willing to predict but there is a reason that UCB instituted the High Demand major policy since all these majors have low admit rates. Psychology was around 4% last year. I have no data for Public Health but since it is also categorized as High Demand, the admit rate is probably below 10% so I would say very few spots available for waitlisted students.

thank you and i’m sorry for all the annoying questions
I am a California resident who goes to a public arts high school. I am an ELC student with a 4.2 GPA, tons of extracurriculars in dance and summer intensives, extra classes, lots of hours of volunteer and leadership experience with national charity league, and even a project where I solicited the donation of hundreds of hygiene kits to local women shelters multiple times. I haven’t been excepted into any UC campus, and all of my appeals have officially been rejected. i’ve struggled with OCD, anxiety, depression, and an eating disorder all throughout high school, which I didn’t mention in my application at all, but used my eating disorder diagnosis for my appeals, that was still rejected.The only school I was waitlisted at was Berkeley, and so I’m really holding onto hope, but I’m starting to think that I have to give up

Sorry to hear about your personal struggles and your unfavorable admission results unfortunately only UCB admissions knows if they will be admitting more students. IF you are ELC, you should have gotten an offer from UC Merced at least but I am assuming that UCM was not an option of interest? What school have your SIR’d?

yes i was offered uc merced
i sir csulb but i really do not want to go. i think i have to suck it up tho

we are right here with ya:)

Does anyone know when Cal waitlist decisions come out?

Some waitlist decisions have already posted on May 8 and 23. Are you asking when the next wave of decisions will be posted? No one accept admissions knows if and when they will release more decisions.

Is anyone still on the waitlist waiting for their results