UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Makes sense, got it. Thank you!

Letter of Intents are not recommended correct

You should upload the specific materials that they request.
So far, they only seem to be requesting the mid-year transcript.

It’s not recommended to try to upload any other materials that they did not request. (I don’t know if it’s even possible to do so.)

You mean Letters of continued interest? No additional documents.

Has everyone been requested to upload transcripts? My son says he doesn’t see any mention of transcripts.

Not everyone is able to upload transcripts.

Waitlist acceptance rates will likely stay low as is right?

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Depends upon how many students enroll by the May 1 SIR deadline. Hard to predict each year.

Got it. Also where is the CDS number from last year? The Acceptance number is scary :sweat_smile:

Anyone on waitlist from College of Engineering? I see a upload material option but nothing is requested.

Section C2.



Yes, my son is waitlisted from COE. I don’t know why some students are getting the request for transcripts and some aren’t. I would suggest checking back later.

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Are any waitlisted students here for the College of Environmental Design?

waitlisted as a cog sci major

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Yes, my son was waitlisted for urban studies

Me too!

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does berkeley accept waitlist based on major or school

Waitlist admits will be admitted the same as in-coming Freshman. College of Engineering and Chemistry admit by major. High Demand L&S majors will be admitted by major and the rest by College.

Alternate majors new this year, will be a consideration for waitlisted applicants.

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Great point that Alt Majors might affect this!

Should I as a waitlisted applicant be working on making my profile better in the case that I get to share new updates and information with them later, or is there pretty much nothing possible left to do for this fall application phase