UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

UCB like all the UC’s do not breakout admits based by College or majors. You can go through the previous years waitlist discussion threads and see what majors have been admitted. Just remember each year is different.


Me! And I select the fpf program, thought this might help me anyways :wink:

talked to admissions office today and they confirmed nothing else needed except the waitlist form.


I thought only L&S majors were given the option to select fpf?

I didn’t get an email about submitting additional materials, but when i click the arrow on the upload materials section, I get the option to click “Unofficial Transcript with Final Term Grades.” Should I submit them? Does that count as a request for additional materials, or would it have to be a specific email?


Doesn’t final term grades mean spring grades? Those will not be out for me until the end of this month. Should I send an unofficial transcript with my fall grades?


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Do we necessarily have to submit our transcripts? i kinda bombed my final term and don’t wanna submit it cause it’ll probably completely annihilate the laughable chances i have, if any.

No, it is not required to submit transcripts.

Can anyone help me understand how do you submit an appeal to UCB? I realize the odds are low, but I can’t find any information about what they want and don’t want, or how to go about the process. For example, this webpage now fails https://apply.berkeley.edu/counselor/freshman_FAQs.pdf When is the deadline?

Any applicant who is denied admission may submit an appeal. (Note: Appeals from students on the wait list will not be considered.) We strongly discourage an appeal unless you can provide significant new information for us to consider. Our freshman selection process involves a careful, individual reading of each application, and it is very unlikely that we will choose to reverse our original decision. If you do have significant new information to present and decide to appeal our admissions decision, all Appeal requests are due by May 1, 2023.
Appeals completed by May 1 will be considered on time and will receive a response by June 1, 2023 In the appeal letter, you must provide significant new information (i.e., semester grades, additional achievements) for us to consider. Advise us of any change in your email address in case we need to contact you during the appeal process.
Even if you choose to appeal, we recommend that you do not delay in accepting an admission offer from another college or university. We do NOT accept appeals mailed via postal mail, telephone, fax, or email. All appeal requests must be made using the form on MAP@Berkeley.

Thanks Gumbymom! Is there a website link to where you found that?

I note in passing that the UCB appeal criteria differ in various specifics from the UCLA and the UCSD etc. appeal. Like the deadline for example.

Each UC campus will have their own appeal policy and criteria. I would double check with each school’s deadline. The information I posted was from last month’s UCB FAQ which did have some updated information but no longer allows a link. To be sure I would contact UCB admissions since they changed the waitlist policy this year so maybe they have changed the appeal process also and not updated their information.

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I think many of us know of the Wayback Machine internet archive. Here are various snapshots of the UCB FAQ at various dates and times. https://web.archive.org/web/20220817075848/https://apply.berkeley.edu/counselor/freshman_FAQs.pdf That said it doesn’t have a snapshot of “last month”. You are right, the only thing to do now is to contact them directly. This is really the wrong time of year for them to have a non-functional FAQ.

I guess you go through Contact Us - Office of Undergraduate Admissions but that no longer accepts my login. Perhaps they are testing applicants to see how they cope with byzantine bureaucracies with confusing websites that change and turn on and off when you need them most. Since that skill will be needed at any UC campus…

Will waitlsit decisions come out around MAy 1st?

Usually after May 1 since then UCB can determine if there are spots open to admit from the waiist. Last year there were very few admits and most heard in June.

Wow. June is crazy. Thanks!

Wait, I didn’t get an email confirming that I opted into the waitlist after I did it :cold_sweat: should I be concerned?.. Do you think I misspelled the confirmation word haha, I’d die. I don’t know if theres a way to check

Does it look like this in the portal?

My son did not get a request for transcripts via e-mail. In the portal it does ask for final grades to upload. I assume this means wait until you have final grades, but are others uploading current transcripts?

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