UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

For the waitlisted students, you can upload current grades with an unofficial transcript. If admitted off the waitlist, then final transcripts will be required.

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I uploaded my transcript but I donā€™t see any notification it was received. All I have on my portal is green check mark next to wait list opt-in. Does anybody have a notification of received transcript on their portal ?

Iā€™m kinda hesitant to submit it since it says ā€œIf we have not requested that you submit documents to us, you may disregard this.ā€

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Just donā€™t submit anything, it literally says in the directions.

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I totally feel the same way, I told him not to upload. I wonder why some get the request for transcripts and others do notā€¦

Excellent question especially since they changed the waitlist process this year with no waitlist statement. At least UC Davis which just dropped their waitlist essay/statement this year, noted on their waitlist information ā€œNo letters of recommendation, transcripts or other documents are neededā€. I am sure all waitlisted applicants would like clearer instructions from UCB.

I just checked my portal and the option for submitting transcripts disappeared. Anyone also have that option disappear?


Omg yes, the entire section for supplemental materials is completely gone for me now. You are not alone in this. Now I only have ā€œstatus update,ā€ ā€œformsā€ and ā€œapplication checklistā€ options.

I hope I didnā€™t take too long to do it or something :sob:, but I doubt it since the deadline is the 15th.

Donā€™t worry!

My son uploaded a transcript, but the section is gone for him too now.

I would guess that the section went away because they donā€™t actually want students to upload transcripts unless it is specifically requested.

Who did they even ask for transcripts? Is there a correlation between who they requested like higher GPAā€™s and a stronger application so they are more likely to get off the waitlist?

Thank you! I wish they had figured that out beforehand though haha. Confusing us all.

I donā€™t think they actually asked anyone for transcripts. My son uploaded his transcript because he saw the ā€œUpload Materialsā€ option on the page, with a pulldown option for the transcript. But the option is not there any more.

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Yes thats what I was thinkingā€¦ because I think one or two people on this thread said they were requested but I donā€™t think anyone ever specifically said by email. May be wrong though, I donā€™t want to reread the whole thread!

Yall think the amount of waitlisted students is lower this year? I know 7 or 8 admitted students but only 1 which was waitlisted. Obviously doesnā€™t mean anything but was just wondering

After winding my way through a few of the web pages on the applicant portal, today I at last reached a page which states the following:

An applicant who is denied admission may file an appeal. Our freshman selection process involves a careful review of each individual application. It is very unlikely that the original admission decision will be reversed. If you do have significant new information to present and choose to appeal our admissions decision, your Appeal Form must be submitted by 11:59 PM (Pacific Time) on April 15, 2023

Take note: the appeal date deadline is not May 1 after all!

Note of course, looking back over the last few years data, some of which have been compiled by Ask Ms. Sun, UCB is not joking when they say very unlikely.

These are the appeal numbers that I have from the UC Counselor conference.

2022 Appeals:
Appeals received: 1240
Appeals granted: 4

2021 Appeals:
Appeals received: 1617
Appeals granted: 9

2020 Appeals:
Appeals submitted: 1264
Appeals approved: 34

Yea it seems like the waitlist for Berkeley is pretty small but out of all the UCs last yr I think they accepted the least off of the waitlist

Thanks so much for this very inetresting reply!