UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Are the students admitted to FPF counted in the CDS as being admitted off the waitlist? Or is it similar to other schools’ spring admits, and these students aren’t counted?

So there’s really no way update UCB with significant achievements (ie. publications) after Dec 1? Nor 7th semester grades? That’s definitely frustrating…

No, they have changed the waitlist process this year. Only upload documents if requested.

We asked about the waitlist and got the following response:

Thank you for your email.
We do not require or accept any supplemental information from students who opted into the waitlist.

any data on how many are waitlisted this year?

What address did you send your email too? I tried filling at the Contact Berkeley form and emailing the admissions office but received no response.

Yep I applied for L&S in bio major… but dunno somehow replied wrong :disappointed_relieved:

We used “Contact Us” + “Specific Question” (500 characters) from the Applicant Portal.
They replied in one day.

Does calling financial aid office or indicating in some way that you don’t need financial aid to admissions help in any way getting off waitlist? I know most UCs indicate that they are need blind but not sure how it applies to waitlists.

Since the UC’s are need blind for admissions, it will not make a difference. Did you indicate you are applying for financial aid on the UC application and did you file the FASFA?

Admissions and the financial aid offices are separate so decisions are made independently of each other.

Thank you for the information and it’s good to know that the UCs are need blind. This is for my child. Was there a check in the UC application asking for financial aid? Do you know where that would be? I know we filed FAFSA as that was required as part of high school.

Actually the UC application I believe only asks about family income for fee waiver eligibility. Decisions regarding financial aid will be determined from the FASFA information. Since you filed the FASFA, the FA office would know if you are eligible for any FA or not so contacting them about not needing any FA will not have an impact on the waitlist decisions.

Thank you so much for the info!


I apologize if this has already been answered before (long thread). My D23 already SIR’d to UCLA. But if she gets off the WL for UCB after 1 May, will she still be allowed to be able to accept UCB’s offer and rescind from UCLA? She’s already decided on UCLA but just asking. I understand her deposit won’t be refunded. Thanks!

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Yes, if you are admitted off the UCB waitlist you can accept the offer or decline. If you accept UCB, you will then forfeit the UCLA enrollment deposit and you have to withdraw from UCLA.

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Excellent! Thanks!

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are appeals looked at after the waitlist is done?


The UC’s do not set aside spots for appealing applicants so they usually review the waitlisted students in filling any open spots before looking at the appeals but it varies by campus. Last year appealing students heard in June while some waitlisted students heard in May. There were no waves but a trickle of waitlist and appeal decisions before the waitlist was closed July 7.


Thanks for the info! What was the waitlisted number last year vs accepted?

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