UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

2022 from CDS:
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list:8,456
Number accepting a place on the waiting list:4,655
Number of wait-listed students admitted:44

2022 Appeals: Counselor conference data
Appeals received: 1240
Appeals granted: 4

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Does it help to contact admissions asking about waitlist status?

No point in contact admissions which will probably give their standard answer especially since the May 1 SIR deadline has not passed.

What are my chances of being admitted to UC Berkeley after being on the waitlist?

A:Because we will not know until early May whether any spaces will become available and because the waitlist is not ranked, our staff will not be able to forecast any student’s chances of being admitted.

Should spaces become available, our review will focus primarily on your original application. The percent of students admitted from the waitlist depends on the number of enrollment spaces we have available and the number of students who opt-in to the waitlist.

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Around what day did the waitlist decisions release from the previous year?

Last years timeline. You can go through the previous years discussions but usually after May 1.

2022 Waitlist timeline: Very few waitlist admits which were trickled out through June. Waitlist closed on July 9.

I would not really recommend going to look at last year’s waitlist discussion because it is a super long and repetitive thread, I felt like I wasted a lot of time plowing through it :rofl:

The waitlist acceptances were VERY few and far between, as you can imagine given the small number of acceptances last year.

The acceptances off the waitlist seemed to mostly come in mid-May last year. A few came later, through June as mentioned. But a lot of the messages around that time are people saying, “Is this really it? When are all the acceptances coming?” because it kept seeming to people like there would be a wave of some acceptances… and it was really just a few.

Then it took forever for people to be informed much later that the waitlist was closed.

I would say given last year’s discussion… if an acceptance comes through at some time in May or later, that’s great, but don’t hold your breath.


Looks like there were some acceptances for UCLA waitlist. Do they usually trickle this early?

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Each year varies. UC Davis and Irvine have also admitted off their waitlist early. I personally think that several UC’s were conservative in their admission decisions and will rely on their waitlists to meet their enrolled targets. As the application numbers have increased, in general so has the number of waitlist offers but not necessarily admits.

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Did anyone appeal to UC Berkeley?

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Does anyone heard anything on waitlist yet?

Nope. I only heard about someone getting in from UCLA waitlist last Friday.

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We appealed on UCLA but no update yet.

This may be subscription only but the odds for UCB waitlist are very low. 1%-ish. My D23 has looked at it like a “cool, they consider me qualified to be admitted!” and then completely moved on.


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UCLA waitlist is trickling slowly but no movement in Berkeley

It looks like there’s a lot of variety year-to-year in how many get taken off the wait list. UCB reported taking about 25% off in their 2019-20 Common Data Set. Other years a lot fewer.

2020 was an anomaly because it was the COVID year. Tons of kids got off waitlists everywhere. Before 2020 the application numbers were lower. And I think yield is up at UCLA and UC Berkeley since people are more cost-conscious and risk averse since COVID. UCs are prestigious enough and a good value for in-state families. Short of a new pandemic, I think the days of 25% getting in off of Cal’s waitlist are long over.

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I’ve seen a lot of variety year-year, that 2019-20 Data Set was reporting on the prior year, so it’s the last pre-Covid year. Anyone who wants to check, google “UC Berkeley Common Data Set” and then pick your year. Make sure you’re on their official school site.

I posted the waitlist information from the CDS for the last 4 years at the top of this discussion. Yes, it varies from year to year but also UCB has seen a steady increase in the # of applications and a decrease in the # of waitlist admits especially the last 2 years with going test blind. (exception for 2020 Covid year). As noted, they also have seen an increase in yield for the last 2 years. The point being?? You cannot count on getting admitted from the waitlist.

2022 from CDS:
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list:8,456
Number accepting a place on the waiting list:4,655
Number of wait-listed students admitted:44

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 11,725
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 6,871
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 359

2020 Waitlist:
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 8,753
Number accepting a place on the waiting list:5,043
Number of wait-listed students admitted:1,651

2019 Waitlist:
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 7,531
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 3,975
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 1,098


Yes, I understand. But that was why I suggest that anything prior to COVID is not really comparable. Because like Gumbymom says, both apps and yield are up. Everything changed nationwide with COVID and test-optional.

I think this is spot on, especially for Cal/UCLA.

For some of the other UCs like UCI/UCD seems they are taking a more conservative approach and admitting more from the WL these days

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