UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, or UCI

<p>I am currently a junior in highschool with a 4.0 unweighted gap interested in applying to the UC schools. I am interested in eventually going to med school so the question is which of these colleges woUld be best for a premed track taking into account difficulty of class/ prestige/ acceptance med school/ and other factors i forgot</p>

<p>I’d say either UCLA or UCI would be the best. But honestly, any school would be great. They’ll all really good schools and would help you. I’m on the same boat as you, as I want to eventually attend medical school, and my first choice is UCLA then UCSD. Of course UCB and UCLA would be most competitive and classes might be harder since it’s the top 2 UCs. 3rd would be UCSD then eventually UCI.</p>

<p>Any of those schools would be a great selection, so it doesn’t really matter too much where you’d go. Choose whichever school is best fit for you. Hell, so long as your show a strong undergrad performance in your pre-med courses (GenChem, OChem, GenBio, Calc 1/2, Physics, etc), it doesn’t even matter which MAJOR you pick. Just keep your GPA high so that you’re competitive enough to make it into med school. On another note, UCI is known for their medicine program. My mom has a few old friends that went there for medicine.</p>

<p>Agree with people above me
I think once you get older, you will understand that you can become pretty successful by going to any of them because it depends more on individual rather than schools
I know UCLA and UCI are pretty good because they have med school
UCSD is famous for bioengineering</p>