So I thiiink I want to do the premed track and am choosing between SLO and UCB.
Basically I have a full ride to SLO with the William Frost Scholarship which is given to the top 10 applicants (I think 10, maybe less or more)) in math/science. I plan on majoring in biochem though that’s subject to possiblyyyy change. With the Frost scholarship, I am also guaranteed research as an undergraduate as early as I want with all these other benefits. I’m just very concerned about the lack of prestige as compared to Berkeley and not being able to get into med school.
I do love UC Berkeley too, it’s just I fear the competition and I also got admitted to the College of Chemistry with my major as chemical biology but it’s scaring me that the average GPA is like a 2.6 there! Also, I’m scared about not being able to get research opportunities and feeling lonely since it’s less intimate.
I’m terrified and don’t know what to pick! HELP.
I’m also instate so it would cost 30K at Berkeley which I think we can afford, but it would be tough.