UC Berkeley vs UC Santa Cruz

I was mentally prepared to go to UCSC after getting rejected from UCD, UCSD, UCSB, and UCLA, but then Berkeley totally surprised me with an acceptance message. I’m still in shock. I was planning to major in Marine Biology at UCSC and I got into UCB as a Society and Environment major (I’m pretty sure I just picked a major that sounded cool without doing any research because I was not at all expecting to get in). I love the environment of Santa Cruz and was pretty emotionally committed to the school. I don’t know much about Berkeley except that it’s a super prestigious school and everyone is telling me I should go there. Both schools gave me the same amount of money. I would really appreciate any sort of advice. I’m touring UCB next week. Thanks!!

You go into UCB as undeclared even though you picked a major, so you can go whatever path that tickles your fancy (within L&S).

Congrats! That is a nice problem to have.

You should spend some time on and around the UCB campus. Chat with some current students and see if you feel like you fit in… if you don’t, UCSC is a great educational option. The student experience at these 2 schools is very different and Berkeley isn’t for everyone - it can be a bit of a pressure cooker which you’ll never hear about UCSC… DO NOT feel like you have to explain your decision to anyone but yourself (and probably your parents).

Similarly, last year a friend of mine’s S applied for engineering and was rejected by all the UC’s except UCR and UCB. He felt dejected and his heart was intended to settle for UCR until he got the UCB acceptance. He chose UCB. Originally his first choice was USC and then UCLA, but did not get into any of them. Political climate for UCB and UCSC are very similar, both lean very liberal. Also, UCB would not have accepted you if admissions did not think you can handle the work.