UC budget cuts & The political quagmire that it brings

<p>The title can be summed up through this Facebook event one of my friends created:</p>

<p>[5</a> Minutes Can Save the UC, CSU, CCC, and K-12 Public Education System | Facebook](<a href=“http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=248234038526757]5”>http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=248234038526757)</p>



<p>The creator of the page never knew this page would be such a hit. He simply invited me and a number of his friends to this event. </p>

<p>But the ball kept rolling.</p>

<p>What turned out to be a simple Facebook event to rally UC students against the budget cuts ballooned into one, vicious political quagmire, with both sides of the isle hurling their views and words against one another. </p>

<p>It’s a real shame to witness partisan politics leech into almost every little human activity that seem fit for such vicious debate. </p>

<p>So far, the UC only cut $150 million instead of the $500 million they’ve been planning for months. But if $4 billion in higher tax revenues fail to materialize, well, the UC students are in for even higher tuition hikes. </p>

<p>What do you think of this issue? Should CA find other places to cut, or the cuts to higher education is well-warranted? Are tax-hikes worth the pain to cover the budget holes, or would that result in a deterioration of the Californian economy?</p>

<p>Well, the activity on that page died down. </p>

<p>And. . .some people there from both sides of the issue are complete idiots. </p>

<p>What the hell, future of higher education is very much in doubt.</p>

<p>It sure is. Because of the budget deal, there will be an additional 10% tuition hike at the UCs – on top of the 8% increase that had already been announced. Higher education is by far the biggest loser in this budget. </p>

<p>Next time you vote, you’ll hear people promising tax cuts. Keep in mind that the tax-cutters have brought about this disaster. I hope your generation doesn’t fall for this shell game the way my generation did.</p>



<p>sorry, but cc had banned political speech on its forum.</p>