UC GPA: 3.84</p>
<p>SAT 1:
Math - 680
CR - 740
WR- 700
total: 2120</p>
<p>SAT 2:
US History: 750
Lit: 670</p>
11th: AP U.S. Hist
12th: AP English Literature, AP Civics/Econ (We the people competitive civics), AP Calculus BC, AP Japanese IV</p>
Student written/starred in play performed before school (with two friends, also topic of essay)</p>
<p>A bunch of singing EC crap extra choirs, jazz group, plus my own band, lol</p>
<p>3 Plays, 3 Musicals, Major role in 5 of 6.</p>
<p>High School Theater Competition at Ohlone Community College, 1st Place Comedic One Act (out of 32), 2nd Plays Mens Comedic Monologue, (out of 50 or so)</p>
<p>Drama Club VP One year</p>
<p>Bunch of martial arts junk. worked at the studio too bout a year and a half</p>
<p>Also worked at local bagel place, about a year and a half</p>
<p>Competitive Civics thing</p>
<p>Some Community Service, under 100 hours</p>