<p>It's the ole they expect you to do well in the hardest classes. There are just an awful lot of highly qualified students applying, the majority replete with AP and cc classes. The UCs do want diversity, someone ranking high at a poor high school gets the same kind of advantage you do for being first generation. Hang in there, one may come through. Really consider whether your best back up plan is Northridge or 2 years at a cc with the hope of getting into the UC of your choice.</p>
<p>hey thnx alot guys....i was just wonderin...were ur responses from experience or did u guyz actually look at statistics other than the freshman profile at <a href="http://www.ucop.edu/pathways????%5B/url%5D">www.ucop.edu/pathways????</a></p>
<p>Mine is purely anecdotal. Watching over the last several seasons as 1400/3.9s got rejected over and over at the top UCs, and then at the middle....</p>
<p>heres some stats: UC IRVINE SAT RANGE: 1086-1295
dont believe me? <a href="http://www.ophs.opusd.k12.ca.us/the_best_colleges1.htm%5B/url%5D">http://www.ophs.opusd.k12.ca.us/the_best_colleges1.htm</a>
now i have done some research on these colleges and have personally spoken to the admissions directors of all three colleges. It is true that UC's are getting harder to get into, but i am not convinced that the statistics for this upcoming class of 05 is so great that it will greatly effect the stats of last year. I know UCSD is a slight reach for me considering my SAT II scores are not up to par with the average. But if someone can tell me that they have taken 8 college level classes and have done well in them for 36 units, plus 2 AP classes, and they have also had work experience for 3 years and have done an internship at a local clinic for 3 years in which they actually worked with patients, and have had a recommendation written from the director of the UCLA medical school...and is in the top 12.5 percent in their school, and pulled off a 3.73 or better while doing all of this...then i would like to know....i do not mean to be rude or arrogant, but i am a little bit disturbed to see some people tell me that UC irvine...the 43rd best college in the country with such an average SAT range....is a reach school for me. But i do thank Kirmum and flopsy and caliplaya03 for their responses.</p>
<p>but doesnt the matriculation figures tell you what's really important though. I mean UCD..etc makes their admissions stats look really superb by admitting students that they know will not attend. LOL idk i just think that the admission figures are a little fishy because students with those stats usually dont go there. But you're probably right anyway. Oh and inderroop i think the UC's will see how rigorous your schedule was...but i dont know if it will make up for your GPA</p>
<p>thnx caliplaya....but my 3.73 is my UC GPA...my high school GPA is a 3.5 because my school did not include my college classes, and it included my freshman year...take out all the nonsense classes and my gpa turns out to be a 3.73...do u think that this is a low gpa for the UC's???</p>
<p>Last year I got into UCSD as only a winter quarter admit with a 4.11 UC gpa, 1350, 660,710,750. And I was only applying in the school of social sciences too. I got into Irvine with a scholarship though (and am attending). Good Luck!</p>
<p>I know someone w/ a 1500 who got rejected from UCI but got into UCSD. Maybe it has to do with his intended major? I really don't know. Another person I know got rejected from UCLA but accepted by Berkeley...</p>
<p>thnx yackityack...masterchiefll i dont think intended major has anything to do with it because both UCI and UCSD have a lot of bio majors...what was this person's GPA and did they have a lot of EC's?</p>
<p>Sounds like you have had some great experiences, especially with the college courses you took and the internship at the clinic. You have the makings of a great essay. I hope that you took advantage of these experiences and wrote about them in your essay, and wrote about them in a way that demonstrates why you would benefit from attending school at a UC and why the UC would benefit from having you there. Too often students have great experiences but then they write the typical "My grandfather died of cancer when I was 8 years old and that inspired me to become a doctor because I want to help people and blah blah blah". And the recommendation from the director of the UCLA medical school will not help you in the UC admissions process, since they do not ask for letters of recommendation. The only time it might come into play with the UCs is if you get rejected and you submit the letter from the director during the appeals process.</p>
<p>Let me tell you this - people at UC schools are very smart, regardless of which school it is. There are smart people at Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, UCI, Davis, and all of the other campuses. I would say that the majority of the people at Irvine have better high school GPAs and SAT scores, a good number have taken college level courses, and most of them took WAAAAY more than 2 AP courses. A lot of the premeds also have had extensive exprience volunteering in hospitals and clinics, so don't think that you're doing something extremely unusual. I'm not trying to tear you down or anything, I'm just giving it to you straight. You will meet tons of smart people at UC schools, and many of them will be a lot smarter than you are. </p>
<p>I can't give a clear assessment of your chances without seeing your UC application and reading your essays, but this is my guess for your chances based on the information you've supplied.</p>
<p>UCLA - rejection
UCSD - rejection
UCI - 50/50 chance
UCD - 50/50 chance</p>
<p>we'll see in march/april where you get in inderroop...because nobody on this board can tell you where you're gonna go because non of them are adcoms. We can only tell you what we think....and i think you can get into UCD and UCI..because i've seen a lot of ppl with less than mediocore stats get in.</p>
<p>I never said my friend was a bio major. What I was trying to say is that perhaps he applied to a more competitive major at UCI and went into UCSD as undecided or something. He is not a personal friend of mine so I don't know TOO much about him. What I do know is that he was in journalism(3 yrs) and played a varsity sport. Other than that, I'm not too sure.</p>
<p>And like caliplaya03 said, we'll see where you get into around march...weird things can happen(good and bad).</p>
<p>im not sayin that alicantekid...i kno a lot of ppl have done sooo much better than me...but i was just saying that the evaluation that these guys gave me arent exactly accurate...caliplaya03 i think gave me the best evaluation...like i said i am not trying to be arrogant nor am i tryin to make enemies on my first day...i am just being a little defensive of these evaluations because i worked really hard for my stats.</p>
<p>LOL well thanx but i'm only a Jr. so i dont know if i'm the best person to listen too. Oh did you apply to UCR,UCSC and UCM? Ya i know what you mean masterchiefll..there was this grl that got into UCD(fall of 04') she had a 1020 SAT 3.5w GPA 500 math IC, 490 writing, 510 writing. And she received like D's in everyone of her math classes...but she did retake them though so i guess that cancelled it out</p>
<p>hey caliplaya03 i did not apply to those skools cuz i couldnt see myself going there...but i did apply to csun...so there is my safety ;-)</p>
<p>get this...i kno a girl who had a 3.3 GPA and a 1120....got into UCLA</p>
<p>last year, a girl from my school got into ucsb with a 910 sat and 3.0 gpa. i know you didnt apply there, but it just shows you anything can happen.</p>
<p>That's why we can't completely assess your chances without seeing your entire application. It's possible that those people with below average GPAs and SATs really wrote something in their essays that caught the attention of the adcoms.</p>
<p>u kno wat...i dont think it is fair for us to judge the chances of whose getting in and who isnt...because we might give someone false hope or we can make someone worry even more at a very stressful time...if we can't completely asses someones chances than how can we say whether someone is getting rejected or accepted to a college? but thats jus me</p>
<p>sry if it feels like i'm stealing your thread but...do the uc's care if your in the top 10% of your hs? They do care if your in the top 12.5% of the graduating class right?</p>