UC Class Rank, ELC and OOS enrollment thresholds

@teleia We are applying for OOS. How will they know a student’s class rank? Is this just something they automatically see with in-state students? Or is it a question in the UC application that is self-reported. I didn’t see S22’s application before he turned it in.

Class rank from the high school is not used at all for UC admissions.

UC ELC “top 9%” is based on the student’s UC-recalculated HS GPA >= a benchmark UC-recalculated HS GPA determined for the student’s high school based on a recent previous class. This is only available to California high schools, who submit academic records for their classes to UC for it to recalculate HS GPAs to determine the top 9% benchmark HS GPA.


@ucbalumnus already answered. I have nothing to add. Good luck with your application. OOS admission numbers might change a little this year at some campuses due to pressure from the CA legislature to limit the numbers of OOS students to around 20%. I think that is the number and maybe @ucbalumnus has a little more info for you.

I also hope you looked into the financial part of the equation already. The UCs are really expensive for OOS students with not much merit aid and no need-based aid. For some families that is OK but make sure you go into it eyes wide open.

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18% is the OOS enrollment limit although 10% was originally proposed.

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Are applicants notified of 9 percent status when they submit their application? D22 should qualify, but I was so giddy that she was simply sending the thing that I forgot to ask. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Both my kids got letters from the UC System notifying them of their “9% status.” Actually, they got two letters, one in the middle of junior year telling them they were likely and then another after junior grades had been submitted and confirmed. My daughter (currently sitting next to me) assures me the letters were from the UC System and not her high school.

When the UC application is submitted, it should state they are ELC eligible.

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Thank you — I just checked and she is eligible.


Which, as far as I can tell, is of no value other than guaranteeing the student a spot at UC Merced.

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ELC guarantees that if a Freshman applicant is not admitted into their choice UC, that their UC application will be forwarded to a UC (no cost) that has room available. The default campus has been UC Merced and in some rare instances UC Riverside (several years ago). For the popular majors, UC Merced has not had spots available recently.

ELC designation is one of the UC’s 13 areas of criteria that is part of their comprehensive review.

  1. Identification by UC as being ranked in the top 9 percent of your high school class at the end of your junior year (Eligible in the Local Context, or ELC).
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This thread is about HOUSING. Can we move general questions and discussions to the GENERAL DISCUSSION thread?

Started new thread under the University of California - General