UC Course list, how do I do this?

Hi, I have a core course that was history and English combined and worth 2 credits. However, I cannot indicate that it was 2 credits on the UC app. I did well in this course, so it would be important for it to be weighted as 2 credits.

On the other hand, I have an elective which was only 0.5 credits. Since it wasn’t honors, it will bring my weighted gpa down. I would like to indicate it was only a 0.5 credit course but there is no option to do so.


How are these courses listed on your transcript? # of semesters?

no, just the final grade of each class, then amount of credits. @Gumbymom

You probably need to contact UC application Center.

Contact the UC Application Center at ucinfo@applyUCsupport.net, or call (800) 207-1710 (toll free in the U.S.).

I am thinking that although you only get one final grade in each class, you would still fill out using the two semester system where the English/History class is considered 4 semesters and the elective is 1 semester.

Definitely call and get the correct instructions since do not see any other options that would fit your situation.

alright, thank you I just sent the email. @Gumbymom

this is the response which I find ridiculous

“Freshmen applicants do not report the credit total of their courses. You can include notes on the courses and their credit total in the additional comments section of the academic history.”

This will make my gpa lower because I did well in my 2 credit weighted courses, and my half credit electives are not weighted.


also @Gumbymom, on the application, there is the option of saying a course is college prep elective, and when I select it, it says elective- English or elective- mathematics. Will courses that I put in this section count to my UC gpa?

The College prep elective should go under category g for the a-g courses. These are additional a-f courses taken above the beyond the recommended UC requirements.

One year (two semesters), in addition to those required in “a-f” above, chosen from the following areas: visual and performing arts, history, social science, English, advanced mathematics, laboratory science and language other than English (a third year in the language used for the “e” requirement or two years of another language)

And yes they are included in your UC GPA calculation.

ok thanks, another quick question, for ‘coursework other than a-g’ do you think I should include courses I took on edx.org because I believe they demonstrate a particular interest for me. @Gumbymom

My younger son listed some on-line CS classes he did while in HS. Could not hurt.