<p>Hi! (:
I'm currently finishing up my applications for UCs and CSUs, and I keep coming across the same problem: I received a D during my second semester of English my freshman year, and I'm currently taking an online course from BYU to make up for it, but I haven't finished it yet. We've only just been able to afford it, and I was told it should take around three months to complete.</p>
<p>On the CSUs, when I put my grades in, it says I'm missing a semester of English because of the D, but the tab that says "college courses" is grayed out. :/ When I asked my counselor about options on fixing my grade, he said that I could have retaken the course my second semester senior year (I didn't, because I didn't have any classes I could drop), so I assumed the course didn't need to be done by the time I started applications. Was I wrong?</p>
<p>And for UCs, do I just put BYU down for the college (I don't see any online course options)? It also asks for when I finished the course: Do I just put when I'm expected to finish?</p>
<p>Thanks loads!</p>