***** uc davis class of 2021 applicant thread *****

It looks like the majority of your financial package is loans: $20000+.
The student self-help is also what they expect your parents or you contribute from savings/earnings and they are saying at least $2500.00.

You can only take the Fed sub and unsub loan out in your name ($5500), The other $12630.00 is a loan your parents have to take out on top of the $2500 contribution.

According to UCD, your EFC is $14,630.00 which means they expect you and your family to contribute at least that amount in the way of savings/current earnings and loans.

I am not a financial aid expert, but based on your package, UCD is not affordable. Your family may qualify for the Blue and Gold Scholarship (below $80,000) but that comes out later if you qualify which can help pay for your tuition.

@Gumbymom wouldn’t that quantity ($1, 2630) have the $10,953 from the University Grant deducted? I do not qualify for the Blue and Gold Scholarship as.

UCD estimates your cost of attendance is $31,083 for Freshman year if you live on campus.

Tuition is $14046 right now and expected to go up
Dorm/Meal plan estimate is $14838.00 (take a cheaper meal plan and you can cut some costs)
Which totals $28,884.

You also need to add in books/personal expenses/travel costs and health insurance which brings the total up to $31,083.
You have to pay tuition and room/board if you plan to live on campus. Health insurance can be waived if you are on your parents policy. Books/personal expenses and travel are optional.

So at the minimum, you probably need to pay $29,000+ to attend UCD.

UCD is only giving you $10,000 (free money) which leaves you with $19,000+ to pay from loans/income/savings.

They expect your parents and you take contribute at least $2500 from savings/income and the rest would be loans ($5500) for you and around $11,000+ in parent plus loans for your parents.
The more that you can contribute by working summers and having your parents pay from their income or savings, the less loans you would need to take out.


Your University grant basically covers most your tuition but nothing else. Are you close enough to commute?

@Gumbymom I am from San Diego. I’m still a little confused (don’t really have anyone to explain, so I’m sorry if I ask too much questions) my dad said he can afford up to ~20k per year, wouldn’t the 19k+ be doable in that scenario?

@Gumbymom| what is the process for switching major from civil engineering to computer engineering? how hard/easy it is?

Major: Political Science
Unweighted 9-12 GPA: 3.92
Weighted 9-12 GPA: 4.03
SAT: 1280 (new one)
Pretty strong extracurriculars and essays, in my opinion. 2 APs only, but I also have 36 community college credits/units on my record… I think this really helped my competitiveness.
I only heard back from UCD and UCSD so far and I got waitlisted for San Diego.

has anyone (accepted applicants) received mail from davis? I got mine from ucsc today and was wondering whether davis has sent it out yet.

@ndrhya you mean a snail mail acceptance packet? If so, nothing received so far in So Cal. Haven’t received anything from UCSC either.


Major: Biological Sciences
UC GPA: 4.04
New SAT: 1400

@ndrhya @lkg4answers
same I have not received a packet yet and am in Los Angeles county.

Same - got San Diego an Santa Cruz yesterday but nothing yet from Davis.

is there a group me for Davis?

DD got undeclared in UCI, and waitlist in UCD. both for CS. How do we decide whether to apply in waiting list in UCD. we are confused

@manasvini234: If you daughter wants to attend UCD, then opt into the waitlist. It is not binding and if accepted, she can decline. Did she apply to the College of L&S or Engineering? If L&S, they do not admit by major and changing majors is much easier than in the College of Engineering.
CS can be a difficult major to change into at UCI so even if the requirements are met there is no guarantee.

What are her other options? Any direct admits to CS?


UW: 3.87 W: 4.4
SAT: 2190
SAT II: Physics (780), Math II (800), Biology(760)

In state

My son was accepted last week. GPA: 4.07 and new SAT: 1440…

Will SIR with Davis.

My D decided on attending UC Davis! She is so excited. Going to visit over Spring Break and attending accepted student day. Anyone else?

@tem339 the group me for Davis is https://web.■■■■■■■■■■■/join_group/29605950/6xcIdM

Decision: Accepted

Merit Scholarship, if received: N/A

School/Major: College of Letters and Science - Biochemistry and molecular biology

Financial aid - Yes

SAT : 940/1600 (Did really bad)
Unweighted GPA: 4.0
Weighted GPA: 4.00
Rank: 1/435 unweighted, 1/435 weighted
AP: None
Community College courses : Communication 101 =A, Psychology 1 =A, and Ast 001 IP

Extracurricular: Volleyball club founder/president, Nshss, C5la, Rise up leadership program, Volunteer at Valley Presbyterian Hospital for 3 years, volunteer at Vietnamese community festival for 4 years.

Essays: 9/10

State: California
Country: N/A
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Male
Income Bracket: N/A
Strengths: GPA, essays,
Weaknesses: Test scores obviously lol

I will be attending there. Hope to see you there! Btw I heard that there dining hall foods are deLICIOUS

@lilymoon our son plans on attending too. We will also be at Decision Day