***** uc davis class of 2021 applicant thread *****

Thanks, @Gumbymom. Will do.

@Gumbymom for future reference, UCSC has regional admission representatives. http://admissions.ucsc.edu/contact/regional-representatives.html

@Gumbymom Do you know if we are required to update/put our first semester grades in Davis’s portal?

You aren’t required to update 7th semester grades unless you were specifically asked to do so via email / portal. We weren’t but did so anyway.

I heard UCD is no longer a safety school but has become very difficult to gain acceptance over the last few years. The reason is the competition is the near perfect kids who weren’t accepted at Berkeley so you’re competing against near perfect scores and grades. The freshman admission profile on website doesn’t look so difficult but we’re cautious nonetheless.

Just wanted to add when we did voluntarily update the portal with 7th semester grades we got this email from admissions from a noreply address –

Thank you for submitting updated information regarding your application. We will add this new information to your application record and consider it in our review.

                        Currently, we are reviewing fall 2017 applications and are unable to respond to specific inquiries about how this information might impact your application. Freshman admission decisions will be released in mid-March.

@Banker1 I’m not sure that I would have ever considered UCD a safety school. When looking back at earlier admissions threads, there were some very strong candidates who were denied admission to UCD - especially in the sciences.

@lkg4answers: Thanks for info regarding UCSC regional admission reps.

@Banker1 We haven’t uploaded nor have we been asked. should we upload it now anyway. Is it sort of late? Thanks.

Anyone know about Regent’s scholarships? Will they send notices prior to admission decisions like UCLA or CAL?

@aluminimom: UC Davis will notify Regents recipients at the same time as all decisions are posted.

@Madrocks we just did it voluntarily a couple of days ago. Our thought process was grades were good, rigor was strong and there is a slight chance that someone in admissions may review it as their boilerplate automated response that I listed above seemed to indicate. I wouldn’t worry about it and it’s not needed unless you are specifically prompted through portal message or email to do so. If you want to do it then I would do it as soon as possible as decisions are less than a month away again in the small chance that this additional info may be reviewed by admissions.

I took 5 AP’s and a photography class at a community college senior year and got all A’s. Should I update my grades? I wasn’t asked to but I’m in need of lots of financial aid and was wondering if that would increase my chances for Regents or other scholarships.

I was wondering because the Regent’s scholarship page for UC Davis says early March notification, but the decision date for UC Davis seems to be mid March? I really need to get a life and stop logging on to this stuff! Got into Cal Poly, so son is going somewhere for sure=)

@banker1 Thanks. Understand the sentiment, will discuss with D.

@alumnimom Congrats to S. We’re in similar good spot as D was just accepted into CP SLO for Biomedical engineering. However her preferred major is ChemE which isn’t offered there. I hope she has a shot at UC Davis for her preferred major. Otherwise the more expensive OOS options are there as well.

@Gumbymom I took 5 AP’s and a photography class at a community college senior year and got all A’s. Should I update my grades? I wasn’t asked to but I’m in need of lots of financial aid and was wondering if that would increase my chances for Regents or other scholarships. Sorry, I have no idea how any of this works.

@emli8100: The Regents Scholarship is a merit-based award—scholars are selected based on their academic achievements and personal accomplishments rather than financial need.

Regents will be based on your self-reported grades, test scores, EC’s, awards and essays, so updating your Senior grades should no effect on your chances for Regents.

It definitely could not hurt but probably will not help.

@banker1 Funny, our son’s choice at the UC’s and privates is ChemEng as well. If she is in to Cal Poly Biomedical I would think she will be a sure thing at Davis for Chemical… At least I hope so, as Davis is kind of our safety UC. He is really hoping for UCLA, but thinks Davis and UCSB should be a yes… hopefully we aren’t over confident. He has 4.6 weighted GPA and a 34 ACT. Good luck!

@alumnimom thanks for the vote of confidence. The acceptance criteria and methodology isn’t necessarily the same so we’re not getting overconfident for UC Davis. The more I read the more I think that Admissions anywhere is pretty unpredictable. I read in last year’s thread that at least one applicant was rejected from Davis but accepted at Berkeley and UCLA. But we’ll see. D applied to UCLA and Berkeley as well but more out of curiosity. Good luck!