**uc davis class of 2025 discussion**

mine is still loading. I can also still withdraw

UCSB and UCSC both accepted a ton of of people off the waitlist last year. A similar thing could happen this year, donā€™t give up yet!

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Rejected from UCSB but really wanted Davis. Fingers crossed. OOS. Got into UCSC last week.

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mine is also still loading

Mine loaded right away and no decision yet, must be your guyā€™s wifi or somethingā€¦

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yeah mine is fineā€¦

i feel like davis or san diego are gonna come out today.

Yeah same, I donā€™t care for them much since I already got into UCI for nursing but I just want to know if I got in or not.

Lucky, I got rejected from Irvine, with great stas:(

Oof sorry, I saw a lot of high stat people getting rejected. Just remember all the ucs are different and one decision doesnā€™t mean anything for another one. U got this! Iā€™ll pray for all of you!

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I really hope so!

Getting rejected from all schools applied since January, the only school I have gotten in is Upitt. This year is so hard for low stat students . I really wish UCD could accept meā€¦

Sacramento City College has a really nice facility in Davis, in fact, it is the only community college located on UC property. Go take some classes there and then transfer to UC Davis-the CC is set up for that. Seeing as you could be on the UC campus you would effectively be a UC student.

I think community colleges could be a great option for me, but I really want to get in one of the UCs this fall. Maybe I just do not want to left behind others. Thanks for the answer tho :slight_smile:

This has probably been asked and answered, but in the past, has UCD sent an email to students to check Portal, or should students check portal directly?

Continuing the discussion from UC DAVIS CLASS OF 2025 DISCUSSION:

Same for my daughter. Itā€™s crazy.

UC Davis use to post a decision date on their website. Starting last year, they did not give a specific date probably due to the pandemic issues but I do not work in admissions so I cannot give you a specific reason. As a seasoned UC poster, the decision timelines for almost all the UCā€™s have drastically changed in the last 8 years.

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The only real guarantee you have is that decisions will be released before April 1st.

I know this is a UCD thread but I donā€™t see one for UCSD (please let me know if there is one). Iā€™m just curious if there is speculation on what date UCSD will release their acceptances?

People are speculation about UCSD just as much as UCD, it seems

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