**uc davis class of 2025 discussion**

Hi Everyone!
I have a question and hope someone can help me to answer it. Couple of days ago I realized that I have never received an email from UC Davis with the confirmation that they received my application. I know that I did not mess up with my email because all other UCs I applied to confirmed my application with an email and/or sent me other emails with information about the school. However, Davis did not even email me with an applicant portal Id. Is this normal? What should I do?

Call their admissions office.

So… I guess this is not normal. Oh. thank you for the answer tho!

Not normal. It may have gone in your spam and been deleted.

I do not think so, since I did not receive the email people received from Davis yesterday (about the release dates). I checked my spam and it is not there either.

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We did not get an email about release dates either. I have twins who applied.

Omg, this is soo weird. I guess they are just not very successful in handling a huge increase in applications. It is likely that they just messed up.

Opps. Just checked. Got the one about release date mid March.

today or yesterday?

@MonicaMaria Did you check your spam folder?


I did. Nothing there

Have you received any email from UCD? If not, then they probably messed up your email when you applied.

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I tracked it and I was receiving emails from them until I applied. I think in the beginning of my junior year I entered my email on their website as a prospective student and was receiving emails from them until December of my senior year (when I applied). Then emails just stopped. I am sure I did not mess my email in UC app since other UCs seem to have no problem in communicating with me.

Do you think they will respond to my email to admissions office? I am international and calling overseas may be extremely expensive.


If you are using Gmail check the “Promotions” folder in your inbox. My daughter had been checking her inbox and spam folders for a few weeks not seeing anything from Davis. It wasn’t until someone on another thread mentioned the “Promotions” folder that she checked it and, sure enough, there it was along with a bunch other emails she had missed.

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Unfortunately, I do not use Gmail, but thank you for your input!
I guess I will just write to them.
Thank you everyone!

You can contact them through, “Ask an Advisor” here: Contact Undergraduate Admissions

There’s a whole thread about this. UC Davis had some kind of glitch that affected a lot of people, and ended up with a lot of people not getting the email with their student applicant number, allowing them to set up their portal. All you have to do is call them and they will give it to you and you can set up your portal.


My son had the same issue. Few days back we contacted the admissions through Ask Advisor link (Ask an Advisor). We got back an email with his portal ID within a few minutes.

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My son got that same email yesterday with financial aid info and it mentioned that results would be coming mid March.