UC Davis Class of 2027 Official Thread

Did she check the portal?

Yes, all decisions are sent out at once. Make sure you have the correct student portal information. Emails usually follow later after the portal is updated.

I’m not sure, she’s in a class but told me she hasn’t gotten an email yet. Does the portal update before the email is sent?

Portal first then an email later.

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Major: Computer Science

UC Unweighted GPA: 3.83
UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.29
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.13
ELC (top 9% CA HS): Yes

Comments about course load (including senior year): 6 AP’s
Number of a-g courses: 22
Number of UC Approved Honors courses: 8
Number of AP courses/exams (scores in parentheses): 3(all 3s) + 2 ongoing


Extracurriculars: 4 years of Theater production

Job/Work Experience: currently 11 months at job

Volunteer/Community service: 2-3 weekends a year with specific organization

Personal Insight essays (details): Theater, covid + mom’s cancer, self expression through hair dye and makeup, course rigor

Supplemental/Augmented Review: No


Applied for need-based financial aid? No

First Generation? no


Strengths: GPA and course rigor

Weaknesses: possibly essays, extracurriculars

Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/denied: (Accepted) CSU Fullerton, Cal Poly Pomona, RIT; waiting for UC Riverside, UCLA, UC Irvine, and USC

D23 accepted
Major: neurobiology, physiology and behavior
UC unweighted : 4.0
UC capped weighted 4.3
Completely weighted ( her own hs) 4.6
Rank 16 out of > 400
8 AP ( AP world freshman yr, Ap bio sophomore year, AB calc, AP Chem, Apush junior year, BC calc, AP physics + 1 more I can’t remember for senior year- submitted all AP grades …. Not fantastic all 4’s except 3 in APush

Extracurricular- were ok but showed a strong interest in neuro pts… worked with memory care pts and best buddies / special Olympics for snowboarding .

I think her PIQ were catchy and showed her personality .

We are OOS so probably an advantage

Good luck everyone !

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Thank you!

Decision: Accepted! :star_struck:

Merit scholarships awarded (if any): Jastro-Shields Scholarship for Agriculture ($30,000):seedling::seedling::seedling:

Major (and division if applicable) applied to:
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems: Economics and Policy Track

Weighted GPA 9-12: 4.45
UW GPA: 4.0
ELC (top 9% CA HS): Yes
Class Rank: 1/85

Comments about course load (including senior year):
Number of AP courses/exams (scores in parentheses):
AP Biology- (3)
AP US History- (5)
AP Literature- (5)
AP Statistics- (Test not taken yet)
4 semesters of Dual Enrollment
Small school only offering 5 AP Total

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.):
FFA State Speaking Champion
AP Scholar
College Board Rural/Small Town Recognition

ASB President and officer for 4 Years
FFA President and officer for 3 years
Varsity Tennis Captain
Founded school podcast
Mental Health Club Secretary
Rho Kappa Member
CSF Vice President

In State Applicant


The portal updates first. My kid has not received an email. Note that the portal can be also be slow and flaky right now, with everyone checking at once.

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S23 Waitlisted for CS - In State / 4.0 UW / 4.36 W / ELC / 5 APs (All 4 or 5)

Where do you see if a scholarship was awarded?


Scroll down the acceptance page and it says it in bold!


My financial aid portal just lists “Fed Direct Parent PLUS Loan” and “Fed Direct Unsub Loan UG”, does this show for everyone?

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My son was waitlisted
Weighted GPA: 4.29, unweighted GPA: 3.97
Number of a-g courses taken 9-12th: 27 a-g
Number of UC approved Honors/AP/IB or DE classes: 1 honors, 6 AP’s
Intended Major: Cinema and Digital Media
Non-local CA resident from large public high school, Bay Area
EC’s: Varsity Baseball, acting, lots of film-related EC’s

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A post was merged into an existing topic: UC Davis Portal Astrology

Will sign up too

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Son Accepted!

Major: Applied Physics
GPA: UW 3.74, FW 4.65, not sure of capped weighted
Good PIQ
Good ECs, lots of summer research


Daughter got Accepted
Major - Cognitive Science
OOS - Arizona
Weighted GPA - 4.8
Unweighted - 3.9
Varsity Volleyball, All Star Cheer and leadership roles in school


S23 Accepted, Economics
OOS (east coast)
GPA 3.9 UW, 4.6 W, 9 APs
UC GPA- I don’t have this info to hand
Work Experience: lifeguard
Volunteer: Food Pantry and Habitat for Humanity
Sports: competitive swimmer, practices 20 hours/wk, high school crew team
Leadership: swim team and treasurer of Chinese Honor Society
Other: created a blog, founded an investment club, participated in diplomacy projects, has lived on 3 continents and has moved a lot

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Is the scholarship under the financial aid part of the website?