UC Davis Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

No idea. But I was talking to my nephew last night, who graduated from UCD a year or two ago with a Managerial Econ degree. It is a really technical focused major, with multiple calculus classes, for example. Most business degrees require one business calculus class (which when I took it at Cal Poly was far easier than the calculus class I took in HS.)

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I have never been able to find any Freshman admission data by major for UC Davis so I cannot give you any specific GPA information. The College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences does not admit by major, but by college so all applicants applying for majors within the College would be via for these spots.

Being at or above the 50th percentile of the admitted GPA would make you competitive: UCD: 3.95-4.25

From my experience, applying to “easier” majors can backfire especially if her friends change their minds. Much easier to switch from a competitive major into a less competitive major than visa versa. The College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences admits into the College not by specific major. Like I stated, she can call admissions to see if she is able to change majors. You do not ask, you will never know.


Is that GPA fully weighted or capped?

Capped weighted GPA range of the 25th-75th percentile.

Is that for the whole university? CP SLO gives the GPA’s by college, maybe UCD doesn’t do that?

I still don’t get why all the UCs (except Berkeley and UCLA) post capped GPAs on their website. Capped is only used to determine eligibility. It’s the fully weighted and unweighted GPAs that are used in admissions.


Correct, SLO lists admit GPA by College but not major but they also admit by major.

UCD lists the 25th-75th percentile Capped weighted UC GPA for admitted students. I have not seen a breakout by College or major since some of UCD’s colleges do not admit by major.

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The UC’s look at all 3 UC GPA’s and the Capped weighted UC GPA is standardized due to the cap so easier for campus comparison. They also consider individual course grades and HS rigor so nothing is evaluated in a vacuum.


When is this year’s release date?

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No confirmed date as of yet.

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Can you comment on the job prospects for this major? Look at the ucdavis placement report looks like a hit or miss.

Did everyone get email about cool classes at UCD today?
Looks like a mass mailer marketing email.


My S22 did. His heart nearly stopped, poor thing. It’s nothing.

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My D22 said email made her very anxious.

These poor kids - the UCs are sending quite a few of these “continued interest” emails. It’s making DS a little jumpy LOL! :grimacing:


We did. I believe this is the only email we have received from Davis. It’s funny how each school differs in how much mail they send. Son is nervous because he hasn’t heard a peep out of Cal other than they are still reviewing apps and they may have to cut enrollment.


I think they should have sent four mass marketing emails, including Connect with UC Davis, Help yourself, and others, this holiday season, Keep your college costs down, and Outgrowing tradition.


Cal informed about the court case

Do you have a link to the update re: cal?