UC Davis Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Thanks so much and good to hear! He has the right personality to go there – he’s an excellent student but he’s very laid back compared to most classmates at his big public high school.

I was having trouble logging in to the Housing Portal, as well. However, I found it worked to log in using the SSO login button at the bottom. Hope that helps!

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I’m having the same problem, can you please send the link?

Below is the link that’s worked for us. Sign in using the SSO login button at the bottom of the page, which takes you to the regular UC Davis portal where you should be able to log in using your student’s admission login credentials.

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Chancellor May re-tweeted this.

Mom knows, “That’s an awesome college town!”



It still won’t let us login, so strange. I emailed them to let them know. Hopefully they can help!

@shinokubo Did you get it to work? We’re still not able to get in.

Thanks. That’s a really good point that I hadn’t considered.

There will be so many kids from Southern California that are 5+hrs away so they won’t be going home on weekends. Also many of us who live in California are from elsewhere (hubby & I are Canadian, our kids were born in TX) so out of state or out of country kids should not feel out of place or “alone”.


A post was merged into an existing topic: UC Davis Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Hi everyone! I’m just catching up on some old posts, so forgive me if you’ve all moved on. But re: the number of OOS students at Davis, remember that California is a huge state! You can fit Rhode Island, Delaware, Connecticut, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Hawaii, Maryland, West Virginia and South Carolina into the same square miles. California is also geographically diverse. One area is not like the other. Our language even differs a bit from region to region in this big state!

We are from SoCal. My older daughter went to college in Northern California, and to me it felt like SHE had gone out of state, as far as… can’t come home for the weekend, coordinating travel for the holidays, and the slang words used by her new friends who were actually from NorCal.

Highly recommend seeing Cali for the very large, diverse state that it is!


Hella? Or is that all over CA now?

Haha yes… we don’t say hella in LA

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I’m constantly confused with the lingo given I’m Canadian, we lived in Texas for 10 years and now live in Southern California for 12 so I’m never sure of the proper pronunciation or spelling of things :joy:


@lkg4answers can you help me? My daughter paid the $500 housing deposit on April 21, but did not complete the housing application at that time. She just logged into the housing portal on Sunday to finish the application and received the following message:

The submission of the reservation fee is still required. If your payment is not received in the myHousing Portal within 24 hours of the deadline, you will be notified via email that your application is incomplete and the housing guarantee is rescinded.

It seems to indicate that they did not receive her deposit? I know for certain she made the payment as we see the payment in her MyBill account deposit history. (I also see that the $500 has been debited from my checking account.)

We are wondering if it is a generic message that went out to everyone completing the application so close to the deadline without regard to the student’s financial account.

Should we disregard this message? Or is something amiss? I’ve tried calling but they don’t answer. Help! Please?

I don’t know if it is generic as I don’t know the exact context. Is it part of a longer message or a pop up warning? Are you able to proceed with the rest of the application?

Either way, I wouldn’t take a chance. Does the phone just ring or does it go straight to vm? You might try calling accounting. Often students answer the phone but you can express that this is urgent and maybe reach someone higher up.

My daughter’s housing portal does not have this message. Can you double check your bank and make sure that the payment actually went through? It seems like something failed. Good luck!

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The message was sent via the housing portal when she logged on to complete the application. The payment shows as a completed deposit in her MyBill account and has definitely been debited from my bank. It was just a message from housing that came through… I will call to confirm. It seems weird to me.

When she logged on to complete the application, she saw that message and it was also sent to her via the housing portal. Previously, you couldn’t complete the application for a day or two until they verified your payment. So we made the payment and then didn’t go back to complete the application until May 1.

My assumption is that because it was so close to the deadline, they dropped the “made payment first” portion of the application and just let people complete it. So we got the same message any new person just logging on would get.

However, there is always that concern that there is a glitch… and housing is unaware that she made the deposit. Finance knows she made the deposit. And I can’t get a hold of anyone in Housing.

I’ve attached the screenshot of her MyBill Deposits portal. It is very clearly there.

Hi @DunkieLunkie When did your daughter make the deposit? And when did she complete the application?