UC Davis Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion


ok thanks

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Maybe you could see the amount of CS majors admitted in the first wave? Good luck getting in the next wave I’m patiently waiting too👍


I would say his stat is more or less the same as other students who are placed in waitlist. I think it is lucky that EE (his 1st choice major) has seats open up, then “maybe” his waitlist assay somewhat standout so he got picked. He has friends with better stat, waitlisted for Computer Engineering , and Mechanical Engineering at Davis, didn’t hear from Davis during the first round. There is really nothing Davis can do if there is no opening for the student’s choice majors. Good luck to all.

4.375 uncapped UC GPA. Total of 3 Community classes taken during summers. 6 APs (3 in Senior year), 3 Honor classes. Treasurer of a club in school. Also member of a few other clubs including Speech and Debate, but didn’t have much “action” in all the clubs during the last 2 years, due to pandemics. Over 120 hours of volunteer works in high school.


FYI, if you planned to visit/tour Davis, you should probably stop by the Welcome Center first. We check online that all the campus tours are fully booked before the commit deadline so we planned to do our own walking tour last Saturday. We started by visiting the Welcome Center, hoping to get a map and general information and be on our way to see the campus. To our surprise, there was a tour that was about to start and they were kind enough to let us join because there are spaces available.
Since it was the “Prospective Student/Family Tours” so the guide(s) cannot provide “official” answers to specific housing/registration questions. However, since they are current students at Davis with difference majors, they could provide “unofficial answers” from their own experience which in most cases are very useful. It was a 2 hours tour, with 30mins presentation and about 1.5 hours of walking. We wishes we were more prepared, i.e. had a full stomach and water during the tour.


Glad you were able to get a tour.

I’m not sure if you are still in Davis but, if you are, here is a map with the location of the housing office. ∞ SHDS | UC Davis Student Housing and Dining Services

Registration questions should be answered during orientation. If you want to know something before that, you can try posting your question it in the UC Davis Class of 2026 thread.

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Thanks for all the information. It was just a one day trip on Saturday.

I did not have a chance to go through any of the information videos. Maybe you do know - What the deal with the placement tests that due this week (university-wise or just college of engineering)? What happen for students who get off the waitlist after this day (i.e. any makeup for them)?

I would contact the department about the placement tests. Many students need to take them and I’m sure you aren’t the only one who can’t take them this week. It has been a few years so my memory could be fuzzy, but I thought my student took them over the summer.

AWPE is for any UC student who wants to test out of the entry level writing requirement. It costs $110 and is being offered on May 21. There are other ways to test out of lower division writing (AP scores from 11th grade, SAT/ACT score, etc). Fulfilling ELWR before UC Davis

Just to confirm, my son took the placement tests during the summer prior to orientation but things could have changed. Definitely call and find out the latest.

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My son has to take math and chemistry placement tests and he just told me that they are ‘some day in May’. While he’s not great with reporting details, he’s exceptional at staying on top of what is due for him – so they must not be this week.

I am guessing that depending on when you get off the waitlist, accept, etc will push due dates. He got off the waitlist May 5, accepted shortly after (probably next day) - but his date to respond was May 12. All of his due dates for things were post May 12.


From the Chem placement test FAQ:

  • What if I miss or cannot take the exam during my college’s testing window?
  • A “make-up” window will take place 5/30-6/6, an e-mail will be sent to all students who have not taken the placement exam the day prior to the window with exam instructions. You can also take the Placement exam in September (1st testing window: 9/7-9/13, 2nd testing window: 9/21-9/27), prior to Fall Quarter 2022.

For Math placement:

What if I am unable to take the math course placement during my time frame?

If you are unable to complete the online math placement during your designated time frame or need to re-take the placement, you are able to do so at scheduled times during the academic year. For more information about upcoming times, please refer to: Math Placement :: math.ucdavis.edu.

What if I miss my College’s Orientation Placement time?

If you miss your designated testing session for your college’s orientation, you will have to wait until the Fall testing sessions open later in the summer. For those dates, please reference our website.

Does this mean you will not be able register for classes during your orientation? No, the class registration system will still allow you to do this. We suggest that you contact your major/college adviser to review your incoming study plan. This way, he/she has a chance to comment and ensure that you are initially registered for the correct set of classes in Fall.

If you are enrolled in a math course which requires the math course placement when we import rosters for the testing session, you will be automatically registered for the exam and notified via email. If you do not receive an email from us by the time the testing session starts, you can also manually register at the site below.

Math Placement :: math.ucdavis.edu.

As for finding your major advisor, you should be able to find this information by either going to your admitting college’s website or to your major department’s website. You should be able to do a search for either one from the UC Davis main page.

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Received below email for Chem placement.

Many students will need to take the Chemistry Placement. It is required to ensure enrollment in our general chemistry classes. This chemistry placement is designed to assess your preparedness for subsequent chemistry courses. You may not be required to take the Chemistry Placement depending upon your declared or intended major, the courses you wish to take, or your career goals. If you are uncertain about whether or not you need to take the Chemistry Placement, it is in your best interest to take the the chemistry placement for future academic options.

When taking the Chemistry Placement, students are expected to follow the University’s code of academic conduct: Code of Academic Conduct. Cheating is prohibited and could lead to you enrolling in a course that you are not adequately prepared. Thus, jeopardizing your academic success.

In the coming weeks, the campus will invite students via your UC Davis email account (or email address on file) to complete the Chemistry Placement online. Students will take the chemistry placement according to their admitted college. Please note:

College of Engineering: May 9 - May 16
College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences: May 9 - May 16
College of Biological Sciences: May 16 - May 23
College of Letters & Science: May 23 - May 30

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Is there any restriction on taking classes from community college the summer before heading to Davis? Trying to get a few GE classes taken care of before starting at Davis. Maybe even a pre-Chemistry/Chemistry class.

There should not be any restrictions but I always recommend running it by admissions to confirm.


Does having 50+ being pulled of the waitlist last week mean there is likely a lot of people going to be pulled off the waitlist?


Hard to tell since no one except admissions knows how many spots are ultimately available. Also not all admitted students are going to accept their offer. Since UCD did not accept anyone off the waitlist last year, any admits this year is a positive.


Could you share what information you gathered to draw the “50+ being pulled of the waitlist” conclusion?

I know a few people pulled from the waitlist and it seems that 20ish ppl on the forum got off the waitlist so 50+ is just a guess given this


do you know when the next wave will be?