***UC Davis Freshman Waitlist Stats/Information/Discussion***

@kbbqgirl: According to the common dataset, 24 applicants were admitted off the waitlist, but no # listed for how many actually enrolled.

^ Hopefully that made sense

Whew, that is a small number :confused: got waitlisted with a 4.02 uc gpa and good ec’s. In my statement I mentioned multiple times that it is the perfect place to pursue a degree in animal science while simultaneously participating in study abroad and research opportunities. Crossing my fingers and trying to stay positive but it is hard to with that number haha. Do you think that this year will have a good rate of acceptance off the waitlist? I know it’s almost impossible to predict because of the unknown number of students that have submitted the SIR

@kbbqgirl: No way to guess what the waitlist numbers will be like for this year. I have been on CC as a frequent poster for the last 6 years and I continually see the UC’s getting more and more competitive each year. Everything depends upon how many accepted applicants actually enroll by May 1. All you can do is get excited about your other options and cross your fingers you will hear good news from UCD in Mid May.

Is mid May the prime time for acceptances or do they release acceptances in June-late June? In other words, should I be worried if I don’t hear back by the end of May

@kbbgirl: For the last few years, Freshman Waitlist decisions were posted starting around May 15th through the end of the month if they had more than 1 wave of decisions. June decisions are usually for the Transfer waitlist.

Alright, thank you. Sorry for all the questions!

@Gumbymom https://aggiedata.ucdavis.edu/sites/g/files/dgvnsk1841/files/files/page/2018-2019CDSinprogress.pdf
See the C1 box “Total full-time, first-time, first-year (freshman) men who enrolled” (2284) and “Total full-time, first-time, first-year (freshman) women who enrolled” (4105) gives a total of 6389 freshman who enrolled in the 2018-2019 school year. I was wondering if you knew if that number is higher than usual and that is why they accepted so few from the waitlist (24)? Also, would you, by any chance have access to other year’s common data sets? When I click the link online it doesn’t seem to be working. https://www.sariweb.ucdavis.edu

@BoB20420: I do know the CDS does show the # of applicants that enrolled but the specific question was the 24 listed as admitted were the actually # enrolled and were there more applicants admitted. Since there were only 24 listed as admitted off the waitlist, then most likely only a few actually enrolled.

The link to the previous year’s CDS is not working for me either, but in 2017 UCD enrolled 5820 Freshman and there was no 2017 Waitlist data that I could find. In 2016, 2571 students were admitted from the waitlist.

The UC’s have capped the # of OOS/International admits and are trying to increase the # of in-state applicants so there has been a slight increase each year with the # of admits and enrolled students.

Hello, does anyone know if UC Davis accepts letters of continued interest of maybe simple emails just reiterating what you’ve been doing/why you really wanna go there?

@gumbymom - do you know whom I could send an email to at Davis about my waitlist? I basically want to reiterate its my top choice and also add some detail about specific professors I want to take class from - is that a bad idea? I looked on the website and can’t find a contact name for admissions.

@ImASoccerPlayer: If you submitted your waitlist essay, that is all they want. Not a good idea to send anything extra.

@kbbqgirl: They accept your waitlist essay and nothing extra. In your waitlist essay you should have made it clear that UCD was your top choice and why.

@Gumbymom do you have any thoughts on declaring a less sought after major for the waitlist essay? My DD was waitlisted, she applied as undeclared major. Stats are 3.92 GPA and 30 ACT.

We drove to Davis from LA on spring break and met with an admissions officer and the theatre dept faculty. DD has long history as a vocalist/musical theatre actor ---- but does not want to pursue a BFA. However might she have a better chance of acceptance off waitlist if she declares a music/vocal or drama major, as these are less popular at Davis?

@CalifMom2Twibs: Which Undeclared major did she apply? The only competitive Undeclared major would be in the College of Biological sciences. UCD does not admit by major into the College of L&S or the Agricultural College. Vocal/music majors might require an audition for consideration. I do not think they would be an option at this point. I would call admissions about changing majors if that is what she wants.

Waitlisted with a 34 ACT and a 4.5 weighted GPA for Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior

Has anyone heard back from UC Davis about the waitlist? Also does anyone know when the first wave of waitlist admissions is coming out?

My son got in from waitlist just now
In state mechanical Eng gpa 4.3.

OMG - Just checked portal and D was admitted off waitlist. Been checking every few days
so not sure when it updated.

No email yet, just updated on portal. The deadline is 5/13 @ 11:45pm so based on 7d requirement,

we have 7.5days, so must have just posted this AM (like 30min ago).

Wow, looks like we are in a wave, best of luck to all the others who have been stress like us!
The long road is finally coming to an end one way or another.

Congrats! How do you know it is a wave and what major is your daughter?