***UC Davis Freshman Waitlist Stats/Information/Discussion***

I spoke with the admissions office today. The person on the phone told me, the results are on a rolling basis and released pretty much every day. They are randomly picking up the applications and will complete the process by May 31st. They are not considering the declared major on the application. It is completely by luck if they pick up your application for review.

They have already declined a few students.

@AmitMaheshwari: I seriously doubt that the individual you spoke with really knows what is going on.

Below is from the UCD website:

Students on the waitlist are not ranked. If any spaces are available for our entering class after the May 1 Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) deadline, we will review our waitlist and admit those students who are best qualified for each academic area.

I believe they have a method to the waitlist madness it is not random.

@Gumbymom I believe you are right and that’s how it is supposed to be done.

Hi there, has anyone been accepted in for philosophy off the waitlist? I apologize if someone already listed if they did I might have missed it. Seeing the “Waitlist Confirmation” over and over again is getting tiresome.

Please post if you hear something.

Hey, was anyone admitted off the waitlist into their second choice major? I put bioengineering as my first choice and undeclared Letters and Science as my second choice. I was waitlisted. From looking at the decision thread, it seemed like a lot of people who put alternate majors in a different college, as UC Davis says to do, got waitlisted instead of admitted directly into the major. It looked like that happened in previous years also. From looking at waitlist threads for those years though, it looked like they were eventually admitted into their alternate major, but in the last wave, possibly because UC Davis was waiting to see if the first choice major was full. Could a similar thing be happening this year maybe? Is anyone else who put an alternate major still waiting to hear back?

Anyone accepted off the wait list for cinema and digital media?

@Machuw Idk if I’m allowed to post transfer info here, but hope this can help. I think the first wave came out for transfers on 6/7 and I know this because I was accepted off waitlist as UC to UC transfer for Managerial Economics. They’re also making sure transfers get spots too. Do you know the dates for wave releases? My guess is that they seems they might be doing it by weekly 7 day basis since I was given only 7 days to SIR. They’re probably going through transfers first and then incoming freshmens.

Maybe that could also be a reason why Gumby Mom’s post showed less than 1% acceptance for 2018 freshman waitlist, they probably gave most of the spots to transfer waitlist first as priority. Just a hunch.

Haha ignore my post above me I read previous posts of freshmen already getting off waitlist.

If they are releasing transfer waitlists, does that mean they are done with freshmen waitlist?

@BabyMochi it’s fine haha, but I’m just curious if you’re willing to answer because I have heard that it’s quite hard transferring from UC to UC. If I don’t get into Davis I’m already in UCR but I kind of want to try and transfer into somewhere better. What’s been your experience from transferring from UC to UC been like? And what previous UC did you attend?

Just checked my portal- rejected.

I was also rejected

Just got rejected a few minutes ago. Oh well.

Just got rejected as well…

@Machuw Sorry for the late response haha. For me, my experience from UC to UC experience wasn’t bad. In on all honesty, it’s what you make of it while you’re there in order to make your application stronger. I was originally deciding between community college or UC Merced. I decided to attended UC Merced and treat it as a “community college” as it had more opportunities such as research in my major area rather than at my community college as they don’t have research. I’m not here to boast about myself, but an insight to what I had done that ultimately helped me transfer. I had won two hackathons in a row for two years competing against other UC/CSU and out of state schools. Along with that, I also had became Secretary for my Investment Club and joined the Marketing Club. I had also done handful of other small amounts of extracurricular and became good friends with professors that went to top UC and Ivy League schools that are mainly here to help out with the new research foundation that is growing exponentially. Just keep in mind that when you’re transferring from UC to UC the colleges wants to look for what you’ve done or changed at the current UC and to not bash on your experience. I don’t know what UCR has, but you should definitely take advantage of the opportunities that they have, whether it be clubs and/or sports or just anything outside of it even. One mistake I saw my colleagues make was not taking advantage of the extracurricular even though they had solid high GPA which ended up them having lower end essays and not transferring into any UCs. If you want to transfer, take a look at the UC Transfer Personal Insight Questions so you know what to do during your time at UCR.