<p>Hi! I don't know how many of you went to Decision Davis (May 7th) but it was fun. Just wondering how your impressions of the campus were? </p>
<p>It seemed like everyone looooved it (or all the tour guides anyway). Tbh, the campus doesn't seem like much. Kind of boring for my taste. I just seems too...rural/environmental. I'm a city girl, so I love places like LA or SF. I know it'll be a lot better when I start school, but I just didn't feel the whole WOW factor, like I did when I visited UCLA. Btw- Castilian Hall is U-G-L-Y. And Cuarto (where it's located) is WAY out of the way! It was further than I expected and uglier than I expected. I took pics on my cell phone, if anyone wants to see. I ate at the Segundo Dining Commons for lunch and the food was good though. Lots of bikes. My allergies were pretty bad that day too...</p>
<p>Anyone else went?</p>
<p>Berkeley is uglier.</p>
<p>Did you see the whole campus? I didn’t even go on the tour this time because it doesn’t even take you through the really nice parts. I went there to drop off my transcripts and look at the housing situation. Actually, I think it would be hard to see the “whole” campus in one shot because many buildings are placed far apart. I like that it isn’t crowded and people are nice. </p>
<p>I actually got a better impression when I went off on my own. I went with my sis and some friends and we ate in downtown surrounded by current students outside of the campus, which was nice. Then again, I like studying in small intimate groups in natural settings, so Davis is ideal for me.</p>
<p>Personally, I want to do well and I think Davis is a peaceful environment for studying. I am not even remotely interested in parties and the like. </p>
<p>BTW. . .I don’t want to offend but. . . was it just me or did that one female panelist manage to talk alot but say absolutely nothing? She said some interesting things but changed the subject in the middle of a story >_<</p>
<p>Thanks for the impressions! Please post pictures if you have them, I didn’t get to visit. </p>
<p>And that female panelist sounds like me when I get anxious/tired. My thinking becomes so disorganized.</p>
<p>Can i see some pics of the dorms/apartments? =]</p>
<p>I thought that Davis was absolutely beautiful
reminded me of yosemite. If they were as prestigious as ucla or berkeley, i’d go there for sure. But sadly, they’re not
<p>Plus I don’t want to go to a school where people can get in with a 3.0 if I worked hard for my 3.8 haha. It just seems like a waste of all that time during my stay here at my cc.</p>
<p>Hey AJ! I’ll respond to your message in a couple hours. I’m just heading out to get a haircut and will be coming back. I have much to say about Berkeley lol. SOOO many things to say. Get ready haha. ttys.</p>
<p>^ I don’t like that either. My 4.0 required a lot of effort. Going to Davis decreases the value of that 4.0 slightly; most of the value will now come from the information/skills I’ve retained.</p>
<p>Davis was sooo awesome! They make you feel like they really want you there. Went to the event, had the campus and housing tour, checked out apartments and had lunch in downtown davis! The place is reallllly green and trees everywhere. They had a fair in the quad too… </p>
<p>It is just like Berkeley, but less ghetto. Went to Sacramento afterwards and that was nice too. I think I’m going to be an Aggie.</p>
<p>@empathy haha I know dude! I find myself absolutely loathing the whole TAG thing. It really devalues schools in my mind. I have friends who are just starting at their CC, and their plan is to do the bare minimum required to get a 3.0, all the while partying constantly, and then transfer into UCSB or Davis with a TAG. </p>
<p>I was insulted when I heard that haha. I started looking back on how I’ve spent my time at my CC (studying constantly, working hard on EC’s, etc), and right then and there I decided that I would NOT choose a school that I could’ve slacked off to get into. So that narrowed my options down to Berkeley and UCLA. Still a really tough choice though lol. </p>
<p>Basically, I hate the TAG system, and think they should get rid of it. </p>
<p>@nic sup bro!! Ya dude, I’m looking forward to that message, I need all the help deciding I can get</p>
<p>@solidblu Perhaps the saddest part to my story is that I was rejected from Cal because I misunderstood the articulation agreements between the multiple schools I was attending (my application wasn’t even looked at because I took the wrong english course) – and I didn’t even apply to UCLA. So, I don’t even have the option of taking advantage of my 4.0. </p>
<p>It’s really embarrassing telling all the people I blew off to study that it was almost for nothing.</p>
<p>hmmm i thought decision day was kinda boring ha :P. it felt like they were just throwing facts and statistics at us… but i loved the free pen we got! i’m excited for orientation though! when is everyone going? i’m gonna be going on the 21st.</p>
<p>Decision day started out boring for me. I went on one of those guided tours with 2 friends of mine, but 30 mins in we found 3 other bored people in our group and we all just decided to leave our tour and wander. I think that was the best choice we did all day because it became so fun just wandering around campus and meeting new people. I think the campus was amazing and the people were really friendly. </p>
<p>I understand what you guys are all saying about picking a school where people can simply just TAG to, but isn’t that argument somewhat true for all UCs? Applying out of high school, you would need to really try to get into UCLA/UCB and some of the mid-tiers. A 4.0 doesn’t even cut it most of the time. </p>
<p>Not going to lie, but CC is the biggest joke of all time. Getting a 3.8+ at CC is easier than getting that GPA at my middle school. I really think the UC system should get rid of TAGs and become way more selective. There should be no reason why a 4.2 can get you rejected from UCSD out of high school, but getting a 2.8 at a CC allows you automatic acceptance.</p>
<p>Agreed. I got a 3.7 at my CC in hopes of going to UCLA, but got into everywhere else but. It’s just like, ehh, I might as well have gotten a 3.2 or something -_- I really do feel discredited. </p>
<p>I’ll post pics of Castilian Hall soon!</p>
<p>And I’ve been to downtown Davis on separate occasions. I live in the Bay, so it’s not TOO far. I’ve eaten at Fuji’s and Davis Sushi Buffet, and walked around the shops. Haha and yes agreed, a little less ghetto than Berkeley.</p>
<p>And lol @ the female panelist. I know who you guys are talking about. She’s the loud one who always has things to say, but always goes a little off…</p>
<p>@empathy O dude that sucks - why didn’t you apply to UCLA? That REALLY sucks about the english class thing 
Where are you leaning now?</p>
<p>I didn’t think I’d need to apply to UCLA – I thought I was a shoe-in for Cal. (I thought) I had done all the prereqs and I did tons of major preparation that wasn’t even required. So I kind of randomly chose all the other schools I applied to (Davis, Irvine, Santa Cruz). I remember thinking that if I didn’t get into Cal, being as perfect/prepared for Cal as I thought I was, then I wouldn’t get into UCLA either having ignored UCLA’s prereqs. And I didn’t really like the idea of UCSD.</p>
<p>I’ve already SIR’d at Davis. I like the campus vibe. It’s just not so great for CS and EE compared to Cal, but it’s the best of what I’m stuck with. I know I’ll really enjoy myself there and only be slightly worse off academically, but it stings still.</p>
<p>I think you’ve decided on Cal? Congrats!</p>
<p>Ya know, I was just in the Davis area yesterday, and I’ve gotta say, it’s such a beautiful city! I think I’m biased, coming from the Midwest, because Davis kinda reminds me of home, but I truly do believe that Davis has a beautiful campus, and I would’ve gladly gone to Davis if I hadn’t gotten into Cal. I think it’s a great city/school! =]</p>
<p>I went to the Davis day and I loved the campus!</p>
<p>My impressions-</p>
<p>-The city of Davis is beautiful, especially the downtown, but the campus is pretty plain (not as ugly as UCSD, though). It’s also extremely difficult to get around without a bike. Suffice it to say, I was on foot the entire day and trekking between the ARC and east campus was tedioussssss.</p>
<p>-The student body seems motivated. I’m excited to be involved in political clubs and the upper division classes look very enticing.</p>
<p>-Lots of babes, but also lots of in-shape males as well. We guys have our competition cut out for us ;)</p>
<p>-Really great restaurants downtown. I went and got a pesto-chicken-tomato crepe at ‘Crepeville.’ One of the best things I’ve eaten in a while :P</p>
<p>-Housing is a bit sketchy, especially Cuarto. Castillian Hall looks like a converted Motel 6.</p>
<p>All that being said, I’m going to be attending, and hopefully the students at Davis will make up for some of the underwhelming aspects. Aggie pride!</p>
<p>Yeah that’s what I noticed. So many good looking people at Davis! It seems like a very fitness and healthy living-oriented place. Maybe I’ll get a bike if I go there! :D</p>