UC Davis no longer have TAA's with CCCs?

<p>Could anyone verify this? Rumor has it that starting this year, the campus will no longer honor TAAs. Davis is known to be one of the middle tier UCs, but if this is true and it doesn't have a TAA anymore, could it be that it's maybe trying to join the big three (B, LA, SD) by trying to be a little more selective?</p>

<p>Where'd you here that? The 06-07 Transfer guide still lists the TAA program:</p>

<p><a href="http://universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/A4T0607.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/A4T0607.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>It would make sense to be more selective, since SD has a transfer agreement right now.</p>

<p>If they just wanted to be more selective they could have raised the required GPA to sign the TAA. </p>

<p>The TAA section of the UCDavis site was updated on the third and doesn't mention anything about getting rid of the program, so it doubt there's anything to the rumor.</p>

<p>Thanks for checking, guys. I heard it from a couple of friends from my OChem class at my CC; they just started at Davis last week. I'm somehow glad that Davis still has TAAs, but yes, I do think that Davis should have more stringent GPA requirements for a transfer applicant to be eligible. I would think that at least a 3.0 is not too much to ask for, but from what I understand, the requirement for a TAA with Davis is 2.8 for the sciences (for engg I believe it's higher, around 3.1).</p>

<p>I can't get the contract page to load now, but I remember the DAvis TAAs ranged from 2.8-3.4. 2.9 was the standard for most Letters & Sciences majors.</p>

<p>I agree with you guys in general that some of the GPA requirements for guaranteed acceptances could be strengthened (UCSB, for example, had a 2.8 for almost all majors, though it'll be upped to a 3.0 in Fall 07). However, also keep in mind that UC Davis had a 1.6% drop in transfer applicants for Fall 05 (which was relaxing after their 11% gain in 04), so they probably do have space for transfers.</p>

<p>Thing is, the TAA's are given at around the same GPA range as the regular admission. I'm not really sure what purpose they serve beyond keeping people from freaking out while waiting for their acceptance or rejection.</p>



<p>Are they? At my CC at least, some people have used it to get in with 2.8's or 2.9's, and according to the Davis counselor there, students who don't have a TAA with Davis and have those not-very-high GPAs have a strong chance of not being admitted, especially if the major being applied to is impacted.</p>

<p>I was just really concerned about this because my younger brother is a freshman at my old CC now and would like to get into Engineering at either Cal or UCLA. He is hoping that Davis could be his backup (because of the TAA), since both Cal and UCLA Engineering are insanely competitive. If indeed the Davis TAA is in danger of being abolished, I just hope the TAAs stay around until next year, when he applies.</p>

<p>Well, I know a solid 33% of transfers admitted into UCSD were around 3.0 (give or take .2), and the percentage has to be more than that for Davis and UCSB. I got into the biology department at Davis and the chemistry departments at UCSD and SB with a 3.0. If he has a realistic chance at Cal or UCLA he'll get into Davis no problem.</p>

<p>Is that fact? That you have a good chance of being denied with out a TAA???</p>

<p>I have around a 3.2.... what does that mean in terms of admission?</p>

<p>tncpauld - (this is according to the Davis rep at my school) if your GPA is not that much higher than their minimum requirement for the TAA (which was 2.8 at that time), they will not be able to guarantee your admission and you would best be served by having a TAA with them. If your GPA was, say, 2.8ish and you didn't have the TAA, well then you would really wish you did, because your GPA is below their average, which is around a 3.1 when I applied, if I remember correctly. I know all this because I was not able to sign a TAA with Davis and was very concerned that I might not be admitted, but the counselor assured me that I don't have any cause to be because my GPA is higher than the average anyway. If it were lower, maybe then I'd have had a reason to be nervous.</p>

<p>That being said, the strength of an application is not based on just GPA anyway. I think your 3.2 is just about average for Davis (the UCD</a> transfer admissions website states that the middle 50% of admitted transfers have GPAs from 3.17-3.70), so I think you have just about 50% chance of getting in without a TAA. Is it too late to sign one at your CC? It could really help.</p>

<p>Original Name - You're right - if he works towards a 3.8, or 3.9 GPA, I'm sure even without a TAA he'll probably get in to Davis, even if UCLA and/or Cal might not admit him. Oh well. It's his first semester, so we don't know how well he's gonna do yet.</p>