<p>Hello, </p>
<p>Is the UC Davis Clinical Nutrition major popular/impacted? I'm from UC Riverside (1st year) and I want to transfer to UC Davis as a clinical nutrition major. My current major is Economics, and I emailed the UC Davis nutrition advisor. They said there are no prerequisites when declaring a major as a transfer at UC Davis. I just want to know what are my chances of getting into Davis my third year with a GPA of 3.4 </p>
<p>I think a GPA of 3.4 is good for Davis. You should get in. I presume you’re applying for Fall 2015, right?</p>
<p>Yeah I am. Thank you for your input! </p>
<p>bumpp more opinions
<p>What? Idk why Cayton thinks you will get in. I certainly don’t. No pre requisites? Are you sure you understood them correctly? Why on earth would they admit you to a major as a junior transfer without having the lower-division classes done? And I don’t think 3.4 is good for Davis; it’s average and clinical nutrition from what I’ve heard is really sought after. Regardless you are also a UC-UC transfer, which puts you at a disadvantage when compared to your CC counterparts. </p>
<p><a href=“https://admissions.ucdavis.edu/profile/”>https://admissions.ucdavis.edu/profile/</a></p>
<p><a href=“http://web1.assist.org/web-assist/report.do?agreement=aa&reportPath=REPORT_2&reportScript=Rep2.pl&event=19&dir=2&sia=LAPC&ria=UCD&ia=UCD&oia=LAPC&aay=13-14&ay=13-14&dora=DIETETICS.B.S”>http://web1.assist.org/web-assist/report.do?agreement=aa&reportPath=REPORT_2&reportScript=Rep2.pl&event=19&dir=2&sia=LAPC&ria=UCD&ia=UCD&oia=LAPC&aay=13-14&ay=13-14&dora=DIETETICS.B.S</a>.</p>
<p>So you have an average GPA, possibly none or few of the desired classes for the major, AND you are a UC-UC transfer.</p>
<p>I don’t think you will get in. Sorry. </p>
<p>I’m going to have most of my lower division classes done, but they said if i don’t finish all of them then i can spend an extra year at Davis </p>
<p>This is what they sent me:
There are no pre-requisites to declare our majors but you should take the following courses to stay ‘on-track’ on our four-year plan. Our majors are very rigid with most classes offered only once a year when students reach the junior-level. To ensure that you can take the junior-level courses when you transfer you need to complete the following before arriving at UCD:
One year of College-Level/General Chemistry with Labs:
Chemistry 2A
Chemistry 2B
Chemistry 2C
(These courses are typically equivalent to the preparatory chemistry courses required for a Biological Sciences major at a university.)
2 Quarters of College-Level Organic Chemistry with Lab:
Chemistry 8A (or a more advanced CHE 118A level if not available)
Chemistry 8B (or a more advanced CHE 118B level if not available)
(These courses are typically equivalent to the preparatory organic chemistry courses required for a Biological Sciences major at a university.
In some colleges or universities this can be completed in 1 semester, in others it takes 2 semesters).
One year of College-Level/General Biological Sciences with Labs:
Biology 2A (molecular, cellular biology)
Biology 2B (organismal, animal biology)
Biology 2C (botany, plant biology)
(These courses are typically equivalent to the preparatory biology courses required for a Biological Sciences major at a university.)
Students who do not complete General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and at least Biology 2A before transferring should plan to be at UC Davis at least 3 years in order to complete their Nutrition Science or Clinical Nutrition major.</p>
<p>California Community College’s course equivalents can be found online at <a href=“http://www.assist.org”>www.assist.org</a>.</p>
<p>Additional college-level courses towards the Nutrition Science or Clinical Nutrition major you could take are:</p>
<p>SOC 1 or SOC 3 or ANT 2 (Intro. to Sociology or Cultural Anthropology)
STA 13 (Intro. to Statistics)
PSC 1 (Intro. to Psychology)</p>
<p>I hope this information helps.</p>
<p>Martha Amésquita
Academic Advisor
Nutrition Department
(530) 752-2512
<a href=“mailto:nutritionadvising@ucdavis.edu”>nutritionadvising@ucdavis.edu</a></p>