Hi guys. I have been accepted into UC Davis for Economics and UC Santa Barbara for Pre-Econ and Accounting. I want to pursue a future career in business/finance. I live about an hour away from Davis, and about 5 hours away from Santa Barbara. I have only visited Davis and it was very nice, my parents also insist that I attend Davis.
However, I feel that Santa Barbara may open up more doors for me since the major I select would be a bit more specific towards what I want to do as a career. Basically, I just want to know if UCSB will be a better fit for me when it comes to my future. I have not visited UCSB but it looks beautiful, my parents just really seem to want me to go to Davis.
What do you guys recommend I do?
@edenbouskila UCSB is known for its accounting program, so I would give SB the nod there in terms of recruitment, however aside from accounting, both have great Econ programs and will open similar doors. I’d say visit both and choose the environment that feels like the best fit. UCSB and UCD are more similar than different in a lot of ways, especially with their college-town environment— many happy students at both places. Just curious, why aren’t your parents interested in visiting SB? It would be helpful to visit both to help make a decision. If it ends up that UCD is the place, I’m sure you’ll have a great experience. I had several friends attend and they had a really positive experience.
@BayAreaRecruiter Honestly, I think my parents are just a tad over-excited about the convenience of UC Davis, with it being only about 1 hour away. I am sure they would love Santa Barbara if it was closer. I’m just a little scared of telling them that I think UCSB is a good option because they are really excited about Davis.
However, I would only talk to them about UCSB if I genuinely feel like it is a better pick than Davis. I’m sure I would have no regrets going to either school- I just want to make the right choice initially. I hope that doesn’t sound stupid haha
They’re both great schools— I don’t think there’s a wrong choice here. And wonderful that UCD is only an hour away. As mentioned, I would only give SB the nod if you were pursuing accounting specifically. If you’re not pursuing accounting, I think they’re comparable in many ways and it would just come down to fit. Congratulations on having two great options!
Another suggestion— look at the coursework of the majors at both UCSB and UCD. UCD has a managerial Econ major that UCSB doesn’t offer. So, look closer at both to see which appeals to you more. Good luck!
Thanks for your advice, much appreciated 
Academically it is probably a tossup. Both are good schools.
So I’ll make 2 points. First, what is different about them is the setting. Each will have a different feel, and one may be a better fit for you than the other. Visit both, it will help you decide.
Second, what is going to make the difference in your future is what you do. If you get good grades that sends a signal to future employers (and increases your chances for good internships). If you spend time at the career center exploring different careers, joining business clubs on campus that bring in speakers and allow you to network, then you’ll have a better sense of what you want to actually do. “Business” is pretty generic. There are people working in sales, in product management, in investments, in finance, in accounting, in training, in HR, in customer support, to name but a few areas that all can be called “business”. Students often try out a field or two for fit and to get experience in internships, and students that have had internships are at the head of the line when it comes to hiring.