UC Davis Portal Astrology

Not everyone can register. I am not an applicant, my daughter is a student at Davis and neither she or I can register. I get the following message " First-Year Aggie Day is limited to admitted freshmen for Fall 2023. If you are unsure of your admission status, log into MyAdmissions."

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Could this be a sign :eyes:

We can register as well.

I can’t register. Says my account isn’t authorized

My question is why would a current student even have access to register for a newly admitted student event?

I do not believe in any of the portal astrology and I believe that all Fall 2023 Freshman applicants can register but once the decisions come out, why would any of the denied applicants want to attend. Waitlisted and admitted students then yes.

Everyone will find out today if this is valid or not.


@Cerelius are you a fall 2023 applicant?

For us, It’s saying “Registration for this event is not yet available.”

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It said “Registration for this event is not yet available”, now I am worried. Am I the only one who got this message?

My daughter was waitlisted last year and we were unable to register for Aggie Day. I just checked right now to see what response was given, not that we want to attend.

Yes I am. The message says “The account ‘[redacted]’ is not authorized.”

This changed within the past 10 minutes. It used to ask questions like how many attending, what session, etc.

Y’all. They are probably seeing a bunch of people registering from this thread and are shutting it down because IT ISN’T TIME YET. :sob: Chill! Decisions are out in like 5 hours.


Also a high-stat in state applicant w/ strong ECs, applied for a relatively uncompetitive major. Did the UC Davis YSP program as well (most people who attend that get into Davis, not sure if there’s a correlation). Now I’m worried that I got rejected…

Got it, thank you. I do not like to see applicants worry over nothing. Many times the website/portals can be glitchy the day the school loads admission decisions so I try to not put much stock into the Portal Astrology.


See my note above yours. Pretty clearly they don’t want folks registering and they have shut it off.


It looks like UC Davis just fixed the loophole that was allowing people to access the registration. Do not worry!!!

Earlier this morning, registration for this event was available for my kid, but now it is showing this:


Had a friend check it like 2 mins ago and he could register. But that is a fair point.

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Some poor intern in admissions just got the call to MAKE IT STOP, I’m sure. :crazy_face:

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Aren’t most financial aid offers sent with the letter of admission? Maybe I’m grasping at straws, though

Yes, FA is usually posted at time of admission but the FA office do not know whom will be admitted and whom will not. They will prepare FA packages for all applicants since waitlisted students whom may be eventually admitted need their FA also.

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