I have a few questions about the UC Davis TAG requirements:
It says that TAGs are closed to:
“Students after applying UC lower-division unit limitations and exclusions must have fewer than 80 sem./120 qtr units of
college coursework. College of Engineering will consider applicants with 80+ sem./120,qtr. units of transfer credit after UC,
lower-division unit limitations and exclusions have been applied.”
Does this mean if you’ve completed more than 80 transferrable units, you can’t apply for the TAG?
Also, i’m a Psych major and under the TAG requirements for psych majors, it says:
“Have already achieved a cumulative GPA of at least 2.90 for the courses from the group above that have been completed before submitting the UC TAG Application, e.g. if one course from the group is completed at the time the TAG is submitted, that course must be completed with a B grade or higher.”
That group of courses is Psych 1, Research Psychology, Statistics, Bio science and Anthro 1.
Is that saying that if you’ve only completed some of those courses before the TAG, but are still taking one of the classes during the TAG submission timeframe, the class you’re still taking needs to be completed with a B grade or higher? I’m taking Research Psychology in the Fall, which I won’t finish and get a grade for until December (well after the TAG deadline). I’m reading that as saying that because I’m still taking that class during the TAG timeframe, I need to complete it with a B. This is confusing because it also says “Courses from that group must be taken for a letter grade, with no grade less than C”.
Also I’ll be taking Biology and Anthro 1 in Spring semester 2016, my last semester, and that’s after the September TAG timeframe. It says, “It is recommended that candidates have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.90 for the group of courses below that have been completed at the time of application and through the transfer academic update filing period.”
I’m hoping that because it says “and through the transfer academic update filing period” that because I won’t finish the rest of the required classes for the Psych major until the end of the academic update filing period, they won’t reject my TAG.
“A student who has enrolled only at California community colleges(s) is not in jeopardy of having too many units to be eligible for the UC Davis TAG. A student who has attended institutions other than California community college(s) is encouraged to see his/her California community college counselor for details regarding unit limitations and exclusions that may apply.”
I think as long as your units only come from a CCC you should be fine.
I’ve had the same question about the statement that requires you to be at a 2.9 or higher for the course group, and have had some clarity about it through counselors and thread posts about it on college confidential. I believe it means that if you’ve only taken one of those courses within the group you must complete it with a B or higher.
If you’ve taken more than one of those courses then your cumulative GPA in total must be a 2.9 or higher.
Hope that made a little sense…lol
@Emteaaa Ah okay, thats’ what I thought (to both things). I got a C in statistics but my GPA is well over 3.0 and has never been below a 3.0, and I got an A in Psych 1 already so I think that clears me. (I have to clear everything with a counselor in order to submit my TAG, but the counselors at my school are incredibly useless in answering any questions).
but don’t you need a 3.2 to apply for uc davis tag? I’m asking because I’m also planning to apply for TAG with davis as well. I’m scared because I feel like my tag there could get rejected.
@unknown10108 Not to apply, but for it to be accepted you need at least a 3.2. I know psychology and computer science majors requires an overall 3.2 GPA to transfer. All majors in College of Engineering requires at least a 3.3 overall GPA. There’s different overall GPA requirements for different majors. This link lists them and has been the most helpful:
@boxandwhiskers what if you don’t have 3.2? like you have 3.15 gpa. BUT by the end of fall semester, you raise it up to 3.4/3.5 gpa. Can you still get into davis/ucsd/wherever you want to go? ALso including EC’s and personal statement of course
From the UC TAG website: “Must meet or exceed the minimum overall GPA of 3.20 from the time their TAGs are submitted up to the time of enrollment. Students cannot receive grades below a C.”
That was from the section for Letters and Sciences, that site also lists the other schools for your major.
There is also this, which is helpful: http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/counselors/files/tag-matrix.pdf
But yeah, I’m pretty sure you need to have a 3.2 already by the time you submit your TAG.
You can still apply to the college normally. I know people who were not eligible for a TAG, and then applied regularly and were accepted.
@boxandwhiskers do you know the average GPA of people admitted into uc davis without tag for this year?
@unknown10108 for Transfers it says 3.32-3.77 for 2015. I’m not sure about specific majors.
@boxandwhiskers can you send me the site on how you checked?