<p>I'm a freshman at UC Davis and I'm planning to transfer to UC Berkeley as a junior-level transfer (as far as I know UCB only accepts junior level transfers). I've been doing quite a lot of research and I'm organising my courses to satisfy all the GE Requirements, the University Requirements and the College Requirements. My first question is, how do I know if the courses taken to satisfy my GE are transferrable to UCB? I'm going to major in Economics and minor in Computer Science, but I guess the minor isn't as important? Is Economics a very impacted major? </p>
<p>Let's say I get a 3.5 GPA and another community college student gets a 3.5 as well, how much more/less competitive/qualified does it make me? Are community college students with high GPAs superior to 4-year college students with high GPAs in terms of admissions? </p>
<p>CCC students get priority during admissions. Think of it as a completely separate admissions group… you wouldn’t compare yourself to a freshman, it doesn’t make sense to compare yourself to a CCC student. They’re different. Think of it more like OOS admissions, instead of CCC admissions. I’m pretty sure transferring from a 4 year school hurts your chances… there are a lot of applicants, and fewer spots. But it’s definitely not impossible. :)</p>
<p>GE: It’s a pretty safe bet that random GE classes will transfer… take a look at L&S’s HSS requirements and see how you’re doing with the different categories.</p>
<p>Econ is an impacted major. It’s also in L&S, so that means you’ll be admitted as undeclared, and have to finish a couple pre-reqs before you can declare. Unfortunately I don’t know the GPA requirement, I’m not Econ I just live with a bunch of them.
If you don’t get in, you have to pick an alternate major… apparently Env. and Poli Econ and popular alternates. Anyways, what that means is admission to UCB won’t be that bad, but you’ll have to get into your major after you transfer. I think all the econ transfers I know got in, except for the one who always partied and never studied. Oh, and try to keep up with econ pre-reqs… assist.org should give you an idea of what you’re supposed to take.</p>
<p>CS minor: Will that fit with all the econ requirements? It’s another 7 classes, and it’s unlikely that all your current CS courses will articulate. CS is also very impacted, and has enrollment issues right now… it might be difficult for you to get into the upper divs you want, especially popular ones like AI, software engineering, or UI.</p>
<p>Hi, thanks for your reply. So basically I’m supposed to try to finish all my GE requirements before I file for transfer? And probably fit some Economics requirements in there? I’m not sure about how minoring actually works, but if I can’t minor in computer science maybe I’ll be into Finance, but I’ll have to clarify some questions I have first. By fitting into the econ requirements, does that mean that I will probably exceed the required units to graduate? </p>