<p>Which one is a better school and why?</p>

<p>What is your major?</p>

<p>i'd definitely go with the UC system but this is just me because i'm going into the med field. plus, scu is more than i can afford and it is only 15 minutes from home.</p>

<p>i would honestly stick with the UC system. the costs of SCU>me. haha. i believe going to a public for undergrad is better,</p>

<p>philosophy is my major</p>

<p>also, aside from money, please. that isn't an issue for me, and besides, im out of state.</p>

<p>It depends upon what you are looking for in a school. Davis is a large school, relatively well-known ( top 50 ranking, top 20 public ranking, lots of well-publicized research). Santa Clara's benefits are likely to be what you'd expect from a smaller, private institution...perhaps smaller classes, more personal attention, etc.</p>

<p>which one would you say has better academics?</p>

<p>Definately UCD, highter caliber students and better academics.</p>

<p>interesting. </p>

<p>and this would still be better for a philosophy major, even though scu is a jesuit university that focuses on the humanities?</p>

<p>(sorry if these sound like stupid questions - i live in CT and don't know near enough)</p>

<p>You've probably already visited the web pages for both schools' programs. I'd suggest checking out the professors' sites and even calling to speak to someone in the depts about the programs at each school. A lot of it does come down to setting though, I would think. A small private Jesuit school ( it is lovely, by the way) , is quite apart from a huge public university. It depends a lot on which of those you prefer. Some folks really benefit from very small, close-knit communities and relationships...others seem fine with navigating through a big system. Best of luck in your decision.</p>

<p>thank you!</p>