UC Davis vs. UCLA

<p>If I got accepted to both I wouldn’t be able to decide where to go. Help!</p>

<p>I will be a biochemistry major and I hope to go to medical school one day.</p>

<p>Tell me which you would choose and PLEASE explain your reasoning. </p>

<p>I don’t think UCLA is the obvious answer just because it is more selective/prestigious</p>

<p>UCLA may be more leeway if you get a lower GPA there BECAUSE of its prestige.</p>

<p>Source:Lists of Admitted students into med school.</p>

<p>OMG don't go to LA for biochem...it is freaking hell.
LOL no joke. because biochem is part of the physical science department and not life science as i thought it would, you have to take all the harder classes. so harder chem, harder math, etc. Basically your competing with all the engineers, premeds, and other ppl who just like hard science and math. If you do choose to go to LA don't go with biochem cuz its just not worth it for premed. do a life science major like bio cuz they get to take the easier classes, thus giving you a higher chance at getting a high gpa.
so if you are absolute with biochem dont stick with la</p>

<p>how did u already get into UCLA or UC Davis?
I would choose UC Davis</p>

<p>UCLAAAA hands down.... if you weren't studying biochem.</p>

<p>Davis. Less competition amongst pre-meds, as wellas a great Biosciences program. UCLA might be a bit more prestigious, but a med school won't take that in exchange for a lower GPA or less classes met (due to waitlisting at UCLA, etc.)</p>

<p>My bad didn't notice the "if".
I would still suggest UCDavis</p>