UC Davis Waitlist Discussion Class of 2024

Please post your questions and discussion information on this thread. Best of luck to all Waitlisted students.

Here are the Waitlist numbers for 2019:

Waitlist offers: 10,641
Waitlist opt-ins: 3,458
Waitlist admits: 1,971

Hi! I got waitlisted by Davis and I applied for the major comparative literature. I was undering if majors are taken into consideration when they are admitting students off the waitlist. Since I applied for a (im guessing) pretty unpopular major in Davis it might be easier for me to get in?

@Leah0807: UCD does not admit by major in the College of Letters and Sciences but by division so you would be competing against all the other Humanities based majors. I cannot say if it will be easier based on your major. All you can do is opt into the waitlist, get excited about the schools that accept you and hope for the best.

Okok thanks! I also wanted to ask if there is anything other than the essay prompt from davis that I can do to increase my chances. I asked my counselor and she said to send a recommendation letter through email. (even though the UCs dont accept recommendation letters). UCD is my dream school and I am really desperate to increase the chances of me getting in!

@Leah0807: Do not send any other documentation beyond the essay since UCD will ask for additional information if they need it.

When do they usually start sending waitlist decisions? Is it around May 25 and the latest they’ll tell you is June 30? Will waitlists be delayed due to the virus?

@bethiew: Last year, waitlisted students heard around 5/6 and the year before around 5/25. No one can say how much of an impact the Covid 19 will have on the waitlists. All you can do is SIR to another school by May 1 and hope for the best.

What goes into consideration when they make their decisions on who gets accepted from the waitlist and who doesn’t?

@sjbd16: Your waitlist essay will be the main consideration along with availability of spots.

Since UCD amits by divisions, not majors, will talking specifically about the major I applied for in the waitlist letter be a good idea? Or should I go for other points.

@Leah0807: You can talk about your intended major and why UCD would be your top choice. I would refer to specific professor’s (if possible) or aspects of the program that you feel would benefit you academically.

Thank you!! And also do they look at my four UC application essays again when they are admitting off of the waitlist or do they only look at the new essay?

@Leah0807: I would imagine they will re-review your original application along with new your essay to determine whom they will accept off the waitlist.

On the common data set, it says last year the number of students accepted off the waitlist was less than one percent. However, I see the numbers that you posted in some sources as well. I’m not sure which to believe… does anyone know about this?


2018 Waitlist stats (from 2018-2019 common dataset)

Waitlist offers: 9213
Waitlist opt-ins: 3207
Waitlist admits: 24

2019 Waitlist stats: (common dataset for 2019-2020 not available. Data taken from UC counselor conference link):

Waitlist offers: 10,641
Waitlist opt-ins: 3,458
Waitlist admits: 1,971

That’s such a huge difference! Makes me a little nervous as it’s impossible to infer how many they’ll admit this year.

I just submitted my waitlist application and the additional comments disappeared after i submitted them and re-opened the application update form. Is this supposed to happen?

Additional comments seem to disappear for everyone once we submit. I think it goes to them, it’s just not visible to us anymore. Someone else said this in a different forum btw.

I submitted my waitlist app for psych a few days ago. With my fall grades, I have a 4.12 UC GPA and a 1410 SAT. I wrote about how UC Davis is my top choice in my essay and mentioned many specific things and values that I like about the school. My extracurriculars aren’t that great (mainly art-focused) and I didn’t take a math course senior year. However, I said that I was planning on taking statistics for college credit over the summer. I’m from a competitive school in the peninsula. Do you think I have a chance?

DS got off the waitlist today.