UC Davis Waitlist Discussion Class of 2024

@kp2664 they’ll look at both scores AS LONG AS you took the essay for both tests. if you took one w essay and one without, they won’t look at the one without. ultimately, they take your highest sat with essay

@bethiew I thought that College Board had the option for only sending one score. I checked my College Board account and it says that I only sent UC Davis my May SAT score, instead of the March SAT score. I took the essay for both tests. Some colleges require both scores, but I don’t think UC Davis does. Do you have to send both scores for a special program? Was I supposed to send both scores for admission?

Thank you both @blehjk321 and @bethiew for your replies!

@kp2664 for UCs, they look at your self-reported test scores and then the ones that you were responsible for sending. I sent both to one UC (because I didn’t know they wouldn’t consider the one without essay that I took) and both are listed on my portal on other UCs, but the one I took with an essay shows as something that’ll actually be considered in the application review on my Davis portal (even though they got both). I think you were supposed to send in both scores unless you just wanted to submit your highest score

No problem! I would probably contact admissions if you want to know more about your scores :slight_smile:

@bethiew Thanks for your help! I’ll look into contacting the admissions office soon. ?

Thank you @bleh1234 and congratulations on getting off the waitlist!

I don’t have awesome stats (I think 4.05W when I applied and 32 ACT) and I got off the waitlist last week (for Bio). Don’t lose hope!

@separatelayer those are good stats, esp with that act

Do y’all think there’s gonna be another wave this Friday in the evening after the first waitlist ppl’s SIR deadline passes or r they gonna wait till Monday to release another wave? I know it’s important to be patient, but the whole admissions process is unnerving and I literally just want to know my waitlist decision for Davis so I can be done with college admissions and move on with my life ?

@zoomtransfer123 dude, I totally feel you with the whole unnerving thing. Davis is my top choice and I’m WAITINNNNGGG on it. I would like to hope the next wave would be the 15th. If it is the 15th, it’ll probably come mid to late afternoon since the deadline to SIR is around 11:45 AM. It might take them a while to sort through applications and decide spots and all that, so that’s why I feel it’s most likely going to be on Monday or soon after. It’s all up in the air

@bethiew SIR is at 11:45pm on May 15th.
Directly from my son’s portal:
“You must submit your Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) or decline your offer of admission on this website by 11:45 pm (Pacific Time) on May 15. To accept, you must pay a non-refundable, non-transferable $250 deposit. You may return to this website as many times as you wish before the SIR deadline.”

@honeybeedoors Oops! thank you for the correction!

@zoomtransfer123 Because it’s 11:45 PM rather than AM, I don’t think the wave will be on May 15, but rather a couple days after

I’m not sure how admissions for waitlist applicants are going to function this year compared to past years, especially considering the pandemic and all of the chaos its causing for universities/colleges around the country. Although its anecdotal, I heard that a significant amount of international/out-of-state applicants are not planning on accepting admission due to rising uncertainties; and its also important to note that the UCs are probably going to follow CSUs move and not reopen campuses for Fall. According to Ms. Sun (not sure how credible this is but check the “Ask Ms. Sun” blog, specifically “COVID-19’s Impact on UC Admissions Now and Later” post), “many campuses seem to be under the enrollment target, as indicated by some early waitlist decisions” and future admission cycles may become “really competitive due to overcrowding” from the many students who are deferring their applications until things become more stable. I’m not sure if the May 15th is the only SIR deadline, but if I don’t receive a decision by tomorrow, I’m just going to assume the worst and fall back onto CC as an alternative. Just a thought.

@bethiew Ah that sucks ;( I really hope we, and ev1 else still waiting, gets in man. It’s my top choice as well, and I’ll def be attending if I get in

@zoomtransfer123 likewise!!! best of luck

For what it is worth, I have been waiting to hear on the UCB waitlist, too. After some serious soul searching about what I wanted in a pre-med program and in a school, I have decided that even if I got off the waitlist at Cal, I would still choose Davis. I really hope there is another wave and that I get to see all of you in the fall.

Hey guys, I just wanted to let you that I got off the waitlist for UCSD and I just withdrew my application from the UC Davis pool. I was an econ major btw.

Hi, does anyone know if the housing deposit ($500) due in a few days is refundable if the fall quarter will (most likely) consist of online learning? I’ve emailed housing, still waiting for response. Thanks and good luck to all on the waitlist.

Y’all think there’s gonna b a second wave tomorrow? My friend told me Berkeley is also planning on releasing a second wave Monday/Tuesday.

My son accepted his waitlist offer at UC Davis. Housing is due tomorrow (for waitlist and I assume those that SIR on May 1st). UC Davis may need until at least Tuesday at the earliest for the next wave (assuming there is a 2nd wave) so as not to panic the newly accepted.

got in when i checked portal (no email) shortly after 10am!