UC Davis Waitlist Discussion Class of 2024

I got in as well today for economics!! Very pleased and wishing best of luck for all!!

my friend got in for psych!! im still waiting for comms

Congrats to ev1 that got in! Has anyone got in for CS? Seems like there was a second wave at 10 today.

Did anyone in state get in today? Also will the UCs announce that they are going to do an online first semester before June 15th? Is so, do you think there will be a third wave?

@WaitlistGrad all my friends who got in are in state, college of letters n sciences

Okay thank you

@WaitlistGrad I’m keeping my hopes up for an evening wave today. But, seeing the trend from previous years, UC Davis probably will not have three different waitlists admit days. So, if we don’t get in today, I don’t think we should expect to get into UC Davis ;( It’s just the unfortunate truth.

I just got in for international relations!! Congrats to everyone who got in! For anyone who hasn’t heard back yet and is curious about stats idk how I got in but I have a weighted 4.2 GPA, 3.9 unweighted and a 1210 on the SAT and a 26 on the ACT.


I got into UC Davis for undeclared—Life Sciences. I am in state. I want to give thanks to everyone on this thread. I’ve learned so much about UC Davis admissions from here.

Stats: weighted GPA 4.23 unweighted 3.83. 1460 SAT.

Good luck everyone!

@kp2664 @Lavendergirll Congrats on your admission! Did you both just now get in? I want to see whether there’s a general wave at 10 AM today or they are rolling admissions.

My friend called admissions and they said they were still rolling out acceptances and told her that if she’s on the waitlist to “just wait a little bit longer”

@bethiew that gives me a bit of hope. I’m getting anxious about this whole thing. UC Davis is my first choice and I’d be distraught if I didn’t get in. I hope they do continue to accept people throughout the day. Thank you for sharing that.

@bethiew Then mb there’s hope after all. Praying for the best for ev1 still on “Waitlist Confirmation” to change to “Congratulations!” ?

Hi @zoomtransfer123

I just received the email at 12:23 pm. Hopefully they will be admitting students throughout the day. I’m sending everyone good vibes!

I got in around 10 am for mathematics in-state!

I was hoping to get in today for computer science (college of letters and science), but I guess it’s not happening :frowning: It’s probably filled up at this point.

@sjdb16 it gave me so much hope too!! Davis is my #1 choice, so we’re in the same boat. I really hope you get in!!! Best of luck

@zoomtransfer123 I’m gonna keep praying until that heading changes to congrats omg

@skyhighscraper So far no one has sent anything here for getting into CS (L&S) in the second wave. Hopefully, they still have some spots left…

i got in sometime today for anthropology! good luck everyone