UC Davis Waitlist Discussion Class of 2024

Thanks ~
In what order are waitlist selected?
Major, race or place…

@Juliebeauty: Race is not a consideration in the UC admission process. Most likely intended major.

Got off the waitlist for davis today. Prob going to decline so i can go to beautiful SoCal UCSB!

Got off the waitlist today.
Major: Cognitive Science (Letters and Science)
GPA: 4.02
SAT: 1450
Going to take it, just withdrew SIR from UCSC.

I was all set to come to Davis, but got in my dream college. I just cancelled my SIR today and opening up a spot for CS Major. Wishing you all the best!

@Araucaria Congratulations. Which school is your dream college (that you just got in to)?

When is the SIR due for the wave from June 2

@DrinkTSR I says June 15th for me but they said seven calendar days so by June 9th to be safe.

Got in on June 2!
Major: Cognitive Science
GPA: UW-3.77 W-4.08
ACT: 29
Long athletic background but not too many other activities/ extracurricular.

Not sure if I’m going to accept

Has anyone got off the waitlist as a transfer student? I’m still waiting to hear back as an animal science major! They said starting June 2nd and no later than the 30th we would hear back. The waiting game is terrible :frowning:

@redondokid I have super similar scores/gpa and the same major. I hope I get in too!

@imnotstupid I hope you do too! I forgot to mention it but I’m in-state if it makes any difference!

I haven’t seen any admits for Political Science. If not, does this mean the major is full?

Did anyone receive a rejection from waitlist today (6/15) or recently?

Nope not yet. My portal’s still the same. Did you get a rejection?

Still nothing on my portal :frowning:

Hello I am a poli sci major and I have been waitlisted ever sense decisions can out. I check my portal all the time and there are no updates. It still says waitlist confirmation. Does any one know what’s going on with poli sci major?

Hi I’m still waiting as well as a animal science major! My co worker’s daughter was waitlisted last year and didn’t find out until the last week of June. So hopefully there will be a notification next week!

I’m waitlisted too for Comms! Almost everyone I knew personally at my high school that was waitlisted got in, some in late June as well. Best of luck to all <3

Waiting on Poli Sci too. Friends with similar GPA, etc have gotten in under diff majors. Trying to remain hopeful!