UC Davis Waitlist Discussion Class of 2024

@blasterli Wow that’s great news! Are you OOS or in-state and which major?

DD got off the waitlist today (OOS). She’s thrilled. I, however, a little less so. It is obviously a top notch school but…it’s big. Really big. How is academic support there?? She has ADHD and some minor learning differences which need supporting. She was all but certain to choose Whitman College when this came along…I have to admit I was not unhappy when she did not get in b/c it’s HUGE and I am not sure how she’d do w/o there being a lot accountability…

This is not me being overprotective so please no “let her choose, she’s an adult” stuff. I have other kids, and this wasn’t an issue. It’s an issue for her specifically b/c of her highly social nature and ADHD which together make me wonder about whether she’d be successful in a huge school w/ huge classes. If it can work for her, ok. But can it is the question!


@Windsor3 Hey congratulations to her!

I have a brother and some extended family that go there (was pretty bummed when I got waitlisted :/) and I completely agree with you that it is HUGE. The campus is like its own world but it is gorgeous in my opinion. My brother (finishing up as a senior now) definitely had a transition struggle his first year. He barely made a 3.0 gpa but after that first rough start he was able to get himself together and he’s had a nearly clean transcript since. He’s also a pre-med student so of course major would probably play a role in the difficulty/class sizes. His classes usually have several hundred to a thousand students and its all lecture based and a lot of them record their lectures. Of course, with that many students, a lot of classes are taught by TA’s rather than the professors themselves. It’s definitely a lot of self-discipline I know he spends hours studying for midterms and rewatching lectures. I’m not too sure about how much support is available, I know that the professors and TA’s have open office hours and students are welcome to come and ask questions.

I hope that gives you somewhat of a student context. I’m sure no matter what you guys decide it’ll work out in the end! Maybe you can hop onto their webinar sessions and get some more information.

@Windsor3: My son is a graduate of UC Davis. The campus is large but easy to navigate. The campus is a biking mecca and their student run bus system will get you around campus and town with no issues. He did not need a car until half way through Junior year for his traveling to his internships.

A great small town vibe, with a vibrant downtown and 20 minutes from the Sacramento airport.

In Freshman year it did take some time for him to acclimate to being a small fish in a large pond but he had a great experience at UCD.

General education (lower division) classes can be large but none of the lecture halls hold 1000 students, the largest holds around 550 students. The large lecture classes will also have a reqquired smaller discussion group headed by a TA and those discussions are around 20-30 students.

He found few students utilized the TA/professor office hours and had no issues meeting with them when needed. They also offer free tutoring services in each of the Freshman housing areas.

Whitman vs. UCD are on opposite spectrums when it comes to student body size so she should pick the best school that will meet her needs. Much harder to stand out in a large school.

Also unless you have an unlimited college budget or deep pockets, $65K/year to attend would be a tough sell for me for any college, luckily we are in-state.

Thank you both, this is very helpful. If entirely up to her, she wants a large school…it was an easier sell til this came along! Cost will be about the same wherever she goes–we’re OOS for Davis, and obviously Whitman is private. I do feel at least a bit better about it–sounds like it doesn’t feel completely enormous once settled in and resources are available…pretty sure we will be discussing this (and perhaps one or two more) right up til May 1. (I know we have past May 1 but that’s enough–the deadline in our house is May 1, when her other decisions are due anyway! :slight_smile: )

as someone that accepted the waitlist offer, i didn’t receive an acceptance or rejection, it still says waitlist confirmed, should i be concerned? im in state for an anthropology major with a 4.04. davis is my dream and im a bit scared now that i havent received any word ://

@sydneyrudolph4 nope! acceptances off the waitlist weren’t even supposed to start until May 1. The latest we’ll hear is June 30. Best of luck (from someone who is also on the waitlist and has Davis as their #1 choice).

FYI my daughter chose Whitman yesterday so that’s a spot opened up! Hard call – Davis is obviously fabulous too

@Windsor3 Congrats to your daughter!!

congrats to her!

I am a transfer student have been waitlisted for HD major at UCD and was asked to submit a 200 word essay and with the updated fall grades and ESTIMATED SPRING GRADES using the application update form. Does that mean I put in "IP= in progress " grade for spring classes or the grade I have right now in class (Like I am sitting on an A in all my classes)? Keeping in mind that spring semester has not yet ended so I do not know what the final grade will be.

@Saaraa95 You put IP for your current classes and your grades for winter classes. Best of luck!

@Saaraa95 if it gives you the option of choosing “in progress” over letter grades, I’d recommend putting that since the semester hasn’t ended. I was a fall freshmen applicant and in my portal i had to fill out a text box that asked for my “estimated spring grades” where I wrote the actual letter grades I had currently. If you have the same text box to write your “estimated spring grades” I’d recommend putting your actual grades (esp since all As make your waitlist application even more appealing) and since there’s a month left of spring semester I don’t think grades will change much.

Also guys I recently tried joining the UC Davis Class of 2024 (Official) FB group just to test whether or not the admins of college FB groups are actually verifying if a student has actually been accepted to their college and the FB group let me in even though my portal still says “Waitlist Confirmation”. I don’t want to get my hopes up without confirmation; but do you guys think that this is just a mistake on the FB mods side or has UC Davis already finalized their waitlist applicant acceptances?

@zoomtransfer123 I didn’t think they verified who could join the groups? In that case, maybe but I feel like it’s too early for them to have finalized waitlist acceptances.

Yeah I think you’re right lol

It seems like the people who were accepted off the waitlist were accepted all in one day based on other year’s discussions. Some people have already said that they were accepted off the waitlist for this year. Does this mean everyone who is still waiting is going to be rejected?

@bj4444 not at all. On their Waitlist FAQ, waitlist decisions were supposed to come out after May 1. They stated that they wouldn’t come out before (even though some did) and the ones that did were all OOS or International. A lot of people are thinking they’re prioritizing OOS and IS because cost of attendance for them is a lot higher than IS. No one IS has been accepted off the waitlist just yet.

Also, last year, people were accepted off the waitlist on more than one date. Best of luck to you!!!


There were two waves (5/6 and 5/17) of admission off the wait list last year. Rejection wave started 6/14.

I wouldn’t read much into the admission off wait list this year (before SIR/May 1st). Those admitted off the wait list appear to be OOS students who are probably in high demand this year because of the uncertainty that international students might not be able to enter the country by fall.

Link to last years wait list discussion:

@blasterli do you happen to remember approximately what time last week’s waitlists were released?