UC Davis Waitlist Discussion Class of 2024

Lol SB has already started accepting in-state ppl of the waitlist. I wonder when Davis will start.

They started already

@zoomtransfer123 yeah, i’m in-state and got off SB tuesday! hoping davis starts releasing in-state soon too

@bethiew waitwait, in-state or out-of-state? cuz i’ve only seen OOS for davis so far

@bex3109 Congrats on your acceptance to UCSB! Thus far I’ve only heard OOS acceptance for UCD; nothing from in-state ppl yet.

@bex3109 omg I’m so sorry I read your comment too fast. I’ve only seen OOS and International students get off the waitlist as well. My bad!!!

I was emailing a Davis representative this morning and she explained that they are looking to start pulling people off the waitlist next week possibly the week after! Good luck to all!!!

@jkliewer Thank you so much for that info!!! Good luck to you as well!

@jkliewer Seems in line with what they did last year. So maybe acceptances will come around May 4th and May 15th this year.

Decisions might release tomorrow, gl y’all!

@zoomtransfer123 ahhhh!!! good luck to you too!!!

Do they tend to release their new acceptances out in the morning or midday? So do they follow a specific time protocol?

Last year, they released by division within a college. seemed like engineering came first at around 11:30 am. I saw that psychology came out at around 5:30 last year. The class of 2023 cal poly slo discussion can give you more background :slight_smile:

Last year they had two waves that started around 11:45 AM and 4:45 PM. All acceptances came on the same day, the first Monday of May (which is today). Idk if it’s major-based rollout, but let’s see what happens!

a thread from last year showed a rolling admissions for the waitlist, if their process is consistent i dont think they will admit everyone on the same day i think it will be rolling

@sydneyrudolph4 that’s interesting because last years thread showed ppl being accepted of the waitlist only around 5/6. I didn’t see any other acceptances till rejections around 6/14. R u sure it’s rolling admissions; if so, how long did the acceptances roll for?

has anyone gotten off yet?

i havent heard anything. been checking this thread, the portal, and twitter religiously lmaoo

oh you’re right, wasnt rolling as much on the thread, but i saw on twitter people getting accepted as late as june 7th. that’s not to say that people rejected the waitlist acceptance so a spot was cleared for that, but yeah i saw on twitter

it doesn’t seem like waitlist decisions are coming out today after all, does it?