UC Davis Waitlist Discussion Class of 2024

yea, looks like it :frowning: watch me continue refreshing throughout the day like the clown i am though, since our original waitlist decisions dropped at around 3:30

can I ask what you mean by ā€œoriginal waitlist decisions dropped at around 3:30ā€?

same!!! @bex3109

@infosought I think they mean when we originally got our decisions. Like when people found out they were waitlisted, accepted, or denied from UCD

oh so do you think they are still releasing waitlisted students later today then or do you think it would not be until tomorrow?

This link takes you to the beginning of the 2nd round of people being accepted off the waitlist (on 5/17).

@honeybeedoors Ah so there are two waves then. Hope to mb hopefully see something at 3:30 then lol.

No status change yet ;(

same here ;(

me too

im worried theyā€™re going to accept more people out of state or international cause they pay more in tuiton :///

ugh yeah, other UCs actually let in a lot of waitlist in-state folks early - Iā€™m not sure why Davis is taking so long? Davis was my top choice but at this rate, theyā€™re taking so long and giving me time to like SB more cuz SB actually admitted me off the waitlist early lmao

@bex3109 Yeah it really, really sucks because I got off Santa Clara Universityā€™s waitlist yesterday and they offered a substantial scholarship and I got off Santa Cruzā€™s waitlist today. Iā€™m stoked for the acceptances but SCU gave me like a day to decide and SC gave a week. Iā€™m getting really impatient with Davis since Iā€™m most likely turning Santa Claraā€™s offer down in the hopes of getting off Davisā€™ waitlist. SB, Berkeley, and LA have already made some progress towards waitlist admissions. Iā€™m crossing my fingers and hoping Davis releases something soon.

@zoomtransfer123 aww, congrats on SCU though! how much is their deposit? If itā€™s not too bad Iā€™d say you should put down that deposit just in case, SCU is an amazing school too (love the smaller class sizes and professor attention) and I wouldā€™ve gone if it werenā€™t so expensive for me haha

SB was only $250 for SIR (still a lot but I think some other schools are much more :ā€™) ), so I just deposited by their deadline but am still waiting on Davisā€¦at this point if they wait until after I pay my housing fees for SB though then Iā€™m definitely not gonna bother (I like Davis more but not by enough to lose that much money in SB deposits/stay interested after they force us to wait that long)

@bex3109 Thx! The deposit is a whopping 500 bucks lol. As much as I love SCU though, my parents are unhappy with it being ranked so low for Computer Engineering ;( so I think Iā€™m gonna reject the admission offer. Iā€™ll be giving someone else a chance of getting into SCU, so in a way itā€™s not all that bad.

@zoomtransfer123 oh wow thatā€™s a lot :frowning: but wait hold on, I was admitted EA and expected them to just cancel it after May 1 but they sent me an email extending my deadline to June 1ā€¦have they sent you any new update extending your deadline or is it still only 1 day? :confused:

would you prefer to go to UCSC over SCU though, in case Davis doesnā€™t pull through?

@bex3109 They told me in an email that they would honor the scholarship for one day, and w/o the scholarship SCU tuition is way too expensive. I would still prefer SCU over UCSC since SCUā€™s academic rigor isnā€™t as difficult and it has a smaller classroom size.

@zoomtransfer123 hmm itā€™s up to you but I think Iā€™d go with SCU in your position, especially with the scholarship - itā€™s still a great school and classes are taught by professors who really care about helping their students get connected in the industry :slight_smile: my tour guide mentioned there was one professor who, on the first day of class, asked everyone to write down a list of their top 5 dream companies. by the last day of class that week, the professor brought back business cards for all those companies; you really canā€™t go wrong with SCU.

you could always switch to Davis if you get off the waitlist, but yeah the deposit would be a bummer :confused:

@bex3109 that is so ironic, my daughter was accepted to UC Davis from the start and submitted deposits, but all she wants is UCSB! UCSB was her dream school and ironically the only one she got rejected from. She submitted an appeal and hopes for miracle.

does anyone have any guesses as to when the first wave could come out (seeing as it didnā€™t today)?