<p>Hi everybody!</p>
<p>Forgive me if there's already a YSP thread somewhere, but I searched and came up with nothing. </p>
<p>Anyone else applying to YSP this year?</p>
<p>It's $6200, but from what I've read from past threads, it's not a cashcow; it's worth it. Correct?</p>
<p>Regarding selectivity, I saw in a thread last year that 400-500 people applied and just 40 were accepted. 8% selectivity?? Is that true?</p>
<p>Also, for those of you who got in in the past (or are applying this year) what are your stats?</p>
<p>Sorry if I seem kibitzing, I'm just super nervous. Thanks!!</p>
<p>I went last year and loved it! It’s more expensive than last year, but I think it’s still worth it, especially because you get college credit. Also, all projects are individual, which makes it easier to enter in science fairs and competitions.</p>
<p>Here are some of my stats, at the time I was applying (as a junior, last year):[ul]
[<em>] SAT I: 2270
[</em>] Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0
[<em>] AP: no tests taken yet
[</em>] Junior Year Course Load: 3 APs (chem, psych, stats), H Precalc, H English, US History
[<em>] Extracurriculars: Choir, XC, a few medical-related/volunteering clubs at school
[</em>] Past summer programs: ATDP, COSMOS[/ul]
No past research experience; no significant awards. I don’t really have anything outstanding and was really surprised that I got in! I think my essays may have helped a lot. I know a lot of people at my school who had way better scores and amazing accomplishments (Science Bowl championships and whatnot) but didn’t get in.</p>
<p>All of my YSP peers were really talented and I’m so glad I met so many amazing people! Definitely a wonderful experience. If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask and I’ll do my best to answer! (:</p>
<p>I haven’t actually submitted my application yet so I have a question about that. Is there a special way of putting in your GPA? I mean is there a system that UC Davis uses?? I go to a public school in New York that grades out of 100 so I’m not sure how I should go about converting that to a 4.0 scale. Thanks!</p>
<p>Sent from my Nexus 4 using CC</p>
<p>Oh… I’m not quite sure how to convert from a 100 scale to a 4.0 scale. Maybe search up “converting gpa from 100 to 4.0 scale” - there are several websites with guidelines on how to do so; or email YSP and ask. Or you could ask your school counselor; I’m sure there have been others before you with the same question.</p>
<p>@archaic I’ll ask elsewhere then. Thanks anyways. </p>
<p>Another thing, does the writing sample have to be science related? Or is it just asking for a sample essay from, say English class?? </p>
<p>Sent from my Nexus 4 using CC</p>
<p>Bumper stickers. To everybody, this isn’t just a thread for my questions… Is anyone else is applying? </p>
<p>Though if it’s only me, no competition, yay! (just kidding)</p>
<p>No, it doesn’t have to be science-related. Mine was from English class and wasn’t even a real essay.</p>
<p>I’ll be applying! </p>
<p>To be honest, I also get a bit confused when they’re asking for GPA. On my transcript, there are two weighted GPAs, Total GPA and College GPA. I was putting the College GPA onto the forms, but now I’m not sure about which one I should be writing down…</p>
<p>For converting from a 100 scale to 4.0 scale, I would say that 90-100 is 4, 80-89.9 is 3, and so on. Add up all the points for each class for every single semester of courses you’ve taken throughout high school and then divide the total number of courses, just like an average. Weighted courses would just count so that 90-100 is 5, 80-89.9 is 4, and so on. </p>
<p>But then again, don’t quote me on that.</p>
<p>I also agree, which GPA do we put in? I’m putting in college for now.</p>
<p>I think I ended up submitting it with my Total GPA written, even though it’s lower. Still, I’m assuming all the GPA’s will be visible on the official transcript, so no worries.</p>
<p>I just applied to YSP- not sure what my chances are since I haven’t done science fair or science olympiad. I think my teacher recommendations were okay and my essays were fairly good. My writing sample was an English essay because I didn’t have anything science related :/.</p>
<p>I heard that the $6200 is worth it, especially because a lot of summer programs are equally if not more expensive. It is a TON of money though! </p>
<p>I had great ACT and PSAT scores but they didn’t ask for those :(</p>
<p>Applied yesterday!</p>
<p>How about High School and Premed Summer Internship at Stanford School of Medicine? It also costs around $6000 and focused on surgical practice with medical doctors. Any Idea compared with YSP?</p>
<p>@mijiking: YSP and the Stanford internship are completely different!
YSP is research in the biological sciences, not medical-related. You do actual, original research at YSP. On the other hand, you don’t do any research at the Stanford internship; it’s just classes, activities and labs that expose you to medicine/surgery first-hand.</p>
<p>If you want to do real research, go to YSP. If you’re interested in becoming a surgeon, then the Stanford program is better.</p>
<p>I just realized that one of my teachers never emailed me the confirmation email. DDD: What should I dooooo?!?!?</p>
<p>FINALLY completed my application and sent everything in. Thanks for the help everyone!! </p>
<p>@timu1996 That actually in a way happened to me. I presume your school is spring break? That’s the scenario I was in. All I really could do was to email the teacher and hope for a response. Luckily my teacher was very responsive and helped email the receipt to me. I don’t know how responsive your teacher is, but I don’t know how else you could approach this. Good luck! I hope your teacher can respond to you in time!! </p>
<p>Sent from my Nexus 4 using CC</p>
<p>@WishUponThisStar Yep I’m on Spring Break and it doesn’t seem like my teacher is going to respond. :(</p>
<p>Do you guys think I’ll be allowed to get the confirmation email from my teacher on Monday and somehow deliver my application in person? (I live 20 miles away from Davis)</p>
<p>Hey on the last question where it says to describe the writing sample that we’re sending in did you guys write it out in a paragraph? Or did you have it like…</p>
<p>@timu1996 I think that you could deliver it by hand but I’m not sure. You could email Mr. J. Richard Pomeroy just to be safe. He’s the director of the program I believe. </p>
<p>And about that last question, I wrote it out in paragraph form. </p>
<p>UC Davis is open on Easter Monday, right? Because USPS said that they were closed today so only a notice was left. But today is Saturday so that makes sense. I’m thinking it would be open because why would they put the deadline on a day when the university isn’t even open? I’m just a bit worried because our school is closed on Monday so I’m nervous that UC Davis would be as well. </p>
<p>Sent from my Nexus 4 using CC</p>
<p>@WishUponThisStar Ugh. Now I feel lazy for answering it the other way. ^_^;</p>
<p>Yeah, I had my Dad call Mr. Pomeroy about it and he said that I could, but then I was able to contact my teacher (using my fabulous stalker techniques) and get the confirmation email, so I mailed it in anyway. </p>
<p>Hmm well my school is open on Easter Monday…don’t know about UC Davis though.
But the website said after I submitted my application online that they were going to start reviewing applications on Tuesday sooo I think we should be okay…?</p>