UC-Does anyone know why this information conflicts?

<p>According to the common data report which all colleges must fill out with information regarding avg gpa and test scores, many of my schools’ actual stars were much lower than the ones listed in campus publications and pamphlets. Does anyone know why this is? My guess is because they are trying to look more academically rigorousby slightly exaggerating their stats in the information sheets that people are more likely to see.</p>

<p>excuse the typos, I’m writing from an iphone</p>

<p>The common data set asks colleges to submit their average UNWEIGHTED GPA of admitted students. Nobody actually publishes this in their “look how good our school is pamphlets”, because the weighted average obviously looks better.</p>

<p>That explains the gpa but what about test scores? The ranges were lower in the set than they were in the pamphlets</p>