UC ELC Program?

I have been notified by my school that I am eligible for the UC ELC program. I understand that it guarantees my admission to a UC, but how, exactly, does it work? Can I choose which UC I want to attend? Is it only out of the UC’s I apply to?

It means that during admissions, if you are not accepted at any of the UC schools that you have applied to, you will be offered a space at another UC campus if there is space available,

Practically speaking that means if you are not accepted to any of the UC’s you apply to you’ll be offered a spot at Merced or maybe Riverside. You do not get to choose.


UC Riverside no longer participates in the ELC referral so your application would be referred to UC Merced however, some majors, such as Biological Sciences, Computer Science and Engineering, and Undeclared in a particular school, are not available.

I’d add that it now has a 'space available provision. If you may want to go to UCM, you should apply directly rather than counting on the referral.

What are your current stats?

@NCalRent My current stats are:
weighted: 4.63
unweighted: 4.0

SAT: 1490 (I am going to be taking it once more to improve my score, and am aiming for a 1530.)
SAT II Math 2: 660 (I will be taking it again, aiming for a 700+.)
SAT II Biology: have not taken
AP World History: 4

I also have many extracurriculars. Do I have a shot at UCLA or UC Berkeley?

Calculate your UC GPA unweighted, Capped Weighted and Fully weighted: https://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-uc/

Yes you definitely have a chance to UCLA and UCB but what does this have to do with ELC although ELC is a consideration in UC admission decisions.

You look like a strong candidate for all the UCs - that said, there is a fair amount of subjectivity that goes into their evaluation so, you really need to apply broadly. I’d probably include all of the UCs that interest you. If you are interested in UCM, apply directly. I’d also include CPSLO and SDSU as high quality options

@Gumbymom @NCalRent Thank you! :slight_smile: