UC (especially UCLA or UCSD) general pre-major requirements

Can someone please point me to University of California system site with general pre-major requirements? I didn’t attend UC, but my private college had about 3 semesters worth of courses in general categories, i.e. English, history, science, etc., that had to be completed before graduation along with major requirements. I assume it’s the same/similar for UC, or have they gotten away with it? I’m trying to understand, for someone interested in Econ, how many life sciences courses will be required for graduation (if any), etc. Thank you!

Do you mean general education requirements?

Each UC campus is different, and each UC campus can have different divisions with different general education requirements. You need to check each campus’ web site for what they are.

Transfer students from California community colleges have the option of getting the IGETC pattern certified by their community colleges, which most (not all) UC campuses and divisions will accept as fulfilling all or some of the general education requirements.

For UCLA and UCSD specifically:


Thank you, that’s very helpful. Do you know if there is a site that lists which courses at a particular city college might be used to fulfill those general requirements, as well as AP courses. For example, would getting a 4 or 5 at Art History AP satisfy the Visual and Performance Arts Analysis and Practice? Thank you!

I’m trying to figure this out on behalf of my high-schooler, not with transfer in mind, but duel-enrollment/taking summer classes at local city colleges. For example, looking at catalog for CSM, how can I understand which classes might fulfill these requirements -are they the ones labeled with (C-ID) in course description:


Thanks, sorry if I’m asking the wrong questions

Look on websites of local city colleges - college credit for AP/IB exam information can often be found there.

If by CSM, you’re referring to College of San Mateo, these links are the ones you’re looking for:



In California, http://www.assist.org will show you what courses at California community colleges are transferable and accepted as specific courses at various UCs and CSUs.

@ucbalumnus, thank you, I saw that. I am sorry for pestering you, just trying to understand which classes are transferrable, which of those can meet requirements, and which give an extra point to GPA when taken as dual enrollment. For example, this class:

DGME 102 Media Law & Ethics 3

My guess is it would be transferable, but would it fit under any GE? And would it give a GPA point like something that I assume would be both transferable and meet a requirement, i.e. Biology. Thanks!