UC GPA Calculations?!

<p>Sorry, I’m having a bit of trouble calculating my UC Weighted GPA; there seems to be a lot of discrepancies regarding how to calculate it. Could you guys do it for me so I could finally know what mine is without resorting to a whole bunch of different, arbitrary opinions? D:</p>

<p>Summer going into 9th:</p>

<p>Contemporary Journalism: A
Intro to C++: A</p>


<p>Algebra II Honors: B/C
English Honors: B/A
Biology: B/A
P.E: A/A
Speech and Debate: A/A
Modern World History: A/A</p>

<p>Summer going into 10th:</p>

<p>Chemistry A: A
Chemistry B: A</p>


<p>AP Biology: A/A
English Honors: A/A
Speech and Debate: A/A
Math Analysis: A/A
Development of Civilization Honors: A
Asian History: A
P.E: A/A</p>


<p>AP US History: A/A
AP Calculus AB: B/B
AP Chemistry: B/B
AP Language/Composition: A/A
Speech and Debate: A/A
Mandarin 4: A/B</p>

<p>Summer going into 12th: (Community College)</p>

<p>Intro to Psychology A/A
Intro to Business A/A</p>


<p>Ignore Frosh grades. Include summer before Soph year in Soph Year. Include summer before 12 in Jr year. Did you receive two grades for the Psych and Biz course (typically they are only 1)? Ignore PE.</p>

<p>Thus, Soph year: 12 A’s (awesome).</p>

<p>Jr year: 7 A’s, 5 B’s, plus 2 A’s summer (assuming one grade each and both are transferable).</p>

<p>Total: 21 A’s + 5 B’s.</p>

<p>21<em>4 + 5</em>3 = 99 + 8 bonus points = 107 grade points.</p>

<p>Divide by semester grades (26) = 4.12.</p>

<p>I’m So Confused…</p>

<p>CC courses can be taken in lieu of classes one can take at a high school, which are usually 2 semesters, therefore 2 grades. </p>

<p>Wouldn’t that mean a CC course also counts for 2 grades, therefore also as 2 semesters worth of coursework?</p>

<p>walkman, it is confusing…</p>

<p>Many CC courses are considered equivalent to year-long high-school courses, but you only count the grade for a single semester when calculating your UC-application GPA. To make things even more confusing, the UCs count that same CC course as two semesters worth of A-G coursework.</p>

<p>Thanks for clarifying that up.
I feared that the CC course i took would only count as 1 semester.
But now it counts as 2 semesters! hurrah!</p>