UC GPA + CC classes?

Hi all. Current junior here. As the second semester starts, I’ve been getting extremely anxious about college admissions. First of all, can someone see if I did my UC GPA right? This is assuming my grades stay the same second semester of junior year. 26 A’s, 2 B’s. I’ve taken 3 AP’s and 1 UC approved honors course (this isn’t to say that i’ve only taken 1 honors class in all of HS, all of my class are honors rn, this is just the only one thats UC approved). My UC GPA is a 4.07? Will admissions look at the rigor of my other honors courses? even though they’re not UC approved??

In hopes of raising my UC GPA, would it help if I took UC transferrable CC courses at a local CC? I thought UC’s add an extra point for those two.

If it helps, my rank is 3/148. I go to a small private school in LA.

bump cus i’m freakin out over this lmfao

You’ll be fine, pal. I know many kids who got into prestigious schools with a lower GPA than yours. Class rank is also very important, so you got that going for you as well. Just focus on getting a good SAT score for now.

You look good. If your HS offers more AP classes, I would definitely consider taking them in your Senior year which will help your HS course rigor, but not GPA. CC course will considered like AP where you can get an extra honors point in your GPA calculation. The capped UC GPA only uses 8 semesters of honors points which you have achieved but UCLA/UCB will use the uncapped GPA, so if you want to bump up your GPA, then take a CC course during the summer prior to your Senior year.
I agree with above poster, so spend time on SAT/ACT prep instead of trying to bump up your GPA, only 2 B’s is definitely fine.

Hi, @wattba12, looking good even for the top UCs. Which year did you received 2Bs? UC only consider 10th & 11th grade GPA into calculation, however, they will look at your overall course rigor and your class rank. The SAT/ACT scores are important, and you can use the UC eligibility index to help you feel better. Also, don’t forget the EC and personal essays to help you stand out! You are doing good, have a bright future!

@jjkmom @Gumbymom @Onikage34 thank you all for your kind words. I have worked insanely hard these past 3 years and was worried that admissions would not truly see how hard I have worked.

@Gumbymom so taking CC classes would help me? I wouldn’t be taking A-G courses tho Bc I’ll have completeled all the requirements by next year…would it still help?

@jjkmom I received a b in AP bio sophomore year both semesters. Also, what’s the UC eligibility index? Is that like the freshman profile lol

btw, can someone calculate my uncapped gpa? would that just be me unweighted or weighted gpa?
I have a 3.8 UW and a 4.3 W

CC classes taken in the summer before Senior can bump up your GPA plus they will add to your course rigor. Even if you have met the a-g course requirements, additional a-g classes can only make you a more competitive applicant.

UC ELC: http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/counselors/freshman/california-residents/local-path.html
Basically if you are in the top 9% of your HS or the state, you are ELC eligible and will be given a spot at a UC (usually Merced and if room is available) if you are not accepted into your choice UC.

UC uncapped GPA would be your UC GPA with unlimited honors points for your UC approved/AP/IB or DE courses taken 10-11th grade. Capped UC GPA is with the 8 semesters of honors points.