Uc gpa help

Hi guys. So I already figured out that my uc GPA is a 4.04. But my friends told me that summer classes go in. I’m very confused on what is going on. So I took health the summer before 10th and I got a b. But my hs said it doesn’t go into my hs GPA because it’s a requirement class. I took a art history class at a community before senior year and got a b again. I thought it wouldn’t go into my uc GPA because it’s a requirement class by the ucs but it’s a-g. My personal counselor said it doesn’t affect my hs GPA and so should not affect my uc GPA. However I read all these posts online and many people say it does. What’s right?

Health is not an a-g course requirement so it is not part of your UC GPA. If you took any a-g courses the summer prior to 10th through summer prior to 12th grade, then these grades would be included.

So the community college course I took will go into uc GPA? If it does, and it lowers my uc GPA I should take a art class senior year to get an A in a art class correct?

Art History is an a-g course requirement, so the B grade will be part of your UC GPA. It will depend upon if your HS includes it on your HS transcript as a dual enrollment, but you will still need to send a separate transcript from the college itself to show your grade. No reason to take an Art course at your HS, since you have fulfilled the requirement.

Even tho I fulfilled the requirement, I’m just scared it will lower my uc GPA. I don’t want it be go down any further knkwning it was because of a art class in the summer…if the only option to keep my uc GPA the way it is and not lowering it I am prepared to take another art class. What should I do?

Your Senior class grades are not included in your UC GPA calculation so your UC GPA is what it is at the end of Junior year. A B in an Art class will not be the reason you are rejected from any UC’s. You do realize that you get the extra honors points for that CC course?