UC GPA Honors courses

When calculating your UC GPA, I was told that the UC and CSU GPA should be the same because CSU follow the same honor course list and calculations in the UC GPA calculator. That being said, CSU calculates any honor/AP/IB classes from 10th, 11th, and 12th grade (only up to 8 semesters and only 4 semesters 10th grade year), so do UC’s allow you to add honor points from classes you are in the progress of taking in 12th grade (If you are not already up to 8)?

No, the UCs only use courses from 10th and 11th grade for their GPA

No, you cannot add Honors points for Senior courses if you do not have any grades for these classes. Since CSU and UC applications are due November 30th, the majority of Seniors will not have Senior grades to submit on their application in the first place. The UC’s specifically state that course taken the summer prior to 10th grade through the summer prior to 12th grade is used for their GPA calculation. The UC’s will still note your Senior year HS course rigor.

Although the CSU GPA calculator states you can use extra Honors points in their GPA calculation for weighted courses taken in 12th grade, in reality the only way you would be able to use this calculation is if you graduated and took a gap year before applying to the CSU’s.

I thought the CSU approved weighted classes were the same as UC weighted classes. I don’t think that you are allowed to use “any” honor/AP/IB class.

I could be wrong but my understanding is the only exception is SLO who uses 9th, 10th and 11th grade but only uses weighted courses from 10th and 11th grade.

@lkg4answers: the CSU GPA is capped at 8 semesters of honors points but the CSU website states you can use the honors points from courses taken 10-12th. My point is unless an applicant takes a Gap year, 12th grades weighted courses cannot be used in the calculation.
SLO does use 9th-11th grades in their GPA calculation but they still cap at 8 semesters of Honors points 10-11th.

OP is asking since they have not reached the 8 semester cap by end of 11th grade for the UC’s, if they could use 12th grade weighted courses also which is NO.

Thanks @Gumbymom . I understood your point. My question was more about OP’s comment that “any” honors class can be weighted for CSUs. I was under the impression that the CSUs had the same list of approved weighted honors classes as UCs.

my understanding is that CSUs and UCs share the same list of approved Honors/AP classes.

If you look up your school here:

you will see the full list of approved a-g classes, recognized AP/Honors classes are flagged with a yellow star next to UC Honors in the Course Details column.

Of course, this is just for CA high schools.

For our local high school, there are a handful of Honors classes that don’t get the bonus GPA point.

If I recall correctly, other differences between UC and CSU

CSU - include 7th and 8th classes on app mostly for CP SLO algebra I, geometry and foreign language. I can’t recall my kids putting these on their UC app. But I could be wrong.

CSU - the GPA calculations double count CSU/UC transferable college concurent enrollment classes. (ie a one semester class is counted twice. These are visible in both the a-g matching area and GPA calculation that is visible on the app. I recall reading the UCs do not do this. I thought counted twice for number of a-g but grade only counted once.

My kids did apps in 2014, 2016, 2018, so things may have changed.

@lkg4answers and @NCalRent: Yes, the a-g course articulation list is the same for CSU’s and UC’s as linked in the above post. Hopefully OP is aware of this list and is not assuming that all their HS honors classes are UC approved. My son’s HS had a few “honors” courses not on the list also.

@svlab112: OP’s original question was if they did not hit the maximum cap on the extra honors points for their a-g courses taken 10-11th, could they add the extra honors points in the calculation for Senior classes in progress and the answer is No.