UC GPA Question

<p>If I had an honors chemistry course and got a D, but I made it up in a community college and got an A. Will the A replace the D or will the D be calculated along with the A because it is an honors course? Thanks in advanced.</p>

<p>The A will replace the D in GPA calculation. From the UC website:
"D and F Grades: If you have earned a D or F in an "a-g" course, you must repeat the course with a grade of C or better in order to apply it toward your Subject Requirement. The original D or F grade will not be included in the GPA calculation, and the new grade will be used. If you repeat a course in which you initially earned a grade of C, the second grade will not be used." <a href="http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/paths_to_adm/freshman/scholarship_reqs.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/paths_to_adm/freshman/scholarship_reqs.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>but it also says in the uc website, that if a person who had AP class got a D and makes it up, the D will still remain and count toward the UC GPA. in regular classes, if you fail (get a D or an F) if you take it over, the new grade will replace the old and the D and the F will not be calculated into the GPA. I guess my question is that if I get a D or an F in an honors class and replace my grade will the D or F still be used in the GPA like an AP class? and also, If I took my chemistry class in community college, will it give me an extra bonus point?</p>

<p>What year (freshman, sophomore, jr or senior) did you take the course?</p>

<p>Was it AP Chemistry, or honors Chemistry?</p>

<p>If honors, check this site: <a href="https://doorways.ucop.edu/list/servlet.jsf;jsessionid=9F21C20F2FCF819D617968D8C0E3D47D?_flowExecutionKey=_cE74C4A64-3273-15E0-0164-59B22E19C513_k0ADF48BB-D07A-091D-4B6A-AE297AB67534%5B/url%5D"&gt;https://doorways.ucop.edu/list/servlet.jsf;jsessionid=9F21C20F2FCF819D617968D8C0E3D47D?_flowExecutionKey=_cE74C4A64-3273-15E0-0164-59B22E19C513_k0ADF48BB-D07A-091D-4B6A-AE297AB67534&lt;/a> to be sure it is given extra weight by the UC (most honors courses are not). If it isn't given extra weight, then it wouldn't be a problem.</p>

<p>If AP class, can you give me a link to the info you have about not replacing AP/Honors classes? I am not aware of that rule. The quote above about D-F grades appears directly after the AP grade section with no qualifying statement excluding AP classes.</p>

<p>Yes, community college classes are given extra weight (up to 8 semesters of extra weight for AP and community college courses taken in 10th and 11th grade).</p>

<p>Thank you, you have been a great help but sorry to bother you with one more question. I looked on the list and it says honors chemistry is given extra weight by the UCs. Unfortunately, I got a D and had to make it up in community college class ( I got an A by the way). Also, I heard that only some classes in community college would be given an extra point. Is the equivalent of Chemistry 1 in a community college given an extra point?</p>

<p>thank you and sorry for taking your time.</p>

<p>and I took the class Junior year.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, replacing a grade is not that simple. From the UC Counselors website FAQs:</p>

<p>University</a> of California - Counselors </p>

<p>"A student received a D in the second semester of an "a-g" approved course. She repeated the semester at another school and got an A. Will UC count the two successfully completed semesters toward the Subject Requirement? Which grades will be included in her GPA?</p>

<p>If the student has successfully repeated the second semester, she will get credit for both semesters. Since she did not repeat the exact course, the original D will be calculated in her GPA, along with the A. If she had repeated the same course at your school, the D would be thrown out."</p>

<p>Your situation is complicated, so you might want to post this question on the UC forum in hopes that UCDAdmissions will answer. He/she can give you a definite answer.</p>

<p>Most academic classes taken at CC's will be given an extra point by the UC's.</p>

<p>^^I beleive only IGETC classes recieve the bonus point.</p>

<p>sorry to bump an old thread but does out of state community college classes get weighted/treated as AP/IB too?</p>